Belfast Zoo is looking to "phase out" the elephants from its animal collection, we can reveal.
A source has hit out at the move which they say should have been run past ratepayers who fund the attraction.
Belfast Live visited the zoo earlier this year to see Yhetto and Dhunja enjoy Christmas trees donated by locals.
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Both in their mid to late 40s, the elephants, were preceded by much loved Tina, who arrived at Belfast Zoo in 1966 and became known for her mischievous behaviour. She often stole visitors’ umbrellas, handbags and property but sadly passed away on 5 November 2017, aged 54.
Instead of taking part in breeding programme for the endangered species, Belfast Zoo became a sanctuary for elderly, non-breeding females – some with difficult backgrounds – in recent years.
Dhunja was rescued from a circus in Europe and had been chained for a large part of her life and was forced to do tricks until arriving in Belfast.
Our source said: "There's always been a thing where it was believed [Belfast Zoo] would let the elephants see their days out.
"The whole zoo knows about it but there's been no dialogue or any communication with members of the public – the rate payers.

"The elephants are what has epitomised the zoo, they even made a film about it and then to turn round and actually take a decision to get rid of them and not even let the ratepayers know."
In response, Belfast City Council said: “ Belfast Zoo is currently home to two much loved Asian elephants, Dhunja and Yhetto. These elephants were rescued from the circus and logging trade respectively and the zoo has provided a sanctuary for older non-breeding female elephants in recent years.
"The animals in our care at Belfast Zoo change regularly, reflecting our unwavering commitment to conservation. Our collection plans are regularly reviewed and consider a range of factors including conservation status, habitat requirements, resources, public engagement and strategic direction.
"The very difficult decision has been made to phase out elephants from the zoo’s future animal collection plan.
"Dhunja and Yhetto will be transferred together to another zoo in future, and we are working closely with the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria to identify the best possible new home for them.
"Belfast Zoo continues to meet all animal welfare standards and provide the highest level of care for this endangered species. Visitors can continue to see the elephants while they remain at their Cave Hill home.”
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