We decided to head down memory lane and look back at one of Belfast's former favourite shops that the city centre no longer boasts - Robb's Department Store.
The shop that used to be home on Castle Place for 100 years will always be fondly remembered by generations of Belfast residents as a luxurious shopping destination in the heart of the city.
The department store first opened in the late 19th century and saw many expansions over its existence on our city's streets. No trip into town was complete without a browse of its various departments.
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Robb's will be cemented in most people's memory as one of the most magical places to visit at Christmas, especially as a child. The effort that went into their window displays was second to none and created such a special atmosphere. Many would agree that it was one of the best places in Belfast to visit Santa.
Not only is the store connected to festive memories, but many people would have made special purchases there like their first perfume or be brought there to find an outfit for a special occasion.

Unfortunately, the former beloved shop served customers for the last time in 1973. Architecturally it was one of the most beautiful buildings that used to reside in our city. Today, retailer TK Maxx can be found in its place.
Let us know in the comments what era of Belfast brings back the most nostalgic memories for you.