While it may seem like many of the best logos of all time are etched onto your consciousness, a few studies have (hilariously) proven that drawing even the most iconic designs from memory can be a challenge. And this latest example does nothing to challenge that assertion.
Healthcare marketing company Tebra tasked consumers across the UK with drawing a bunch of medical-related logos from memory, from brands including Walgreens, Advil, and Rite Aid. And the results brought up some curious statistics. (Looking for more design inspiration? Take a look at our guide on how to design a logo.)

The key findings of the study include the fact that Walgreens, Advil, and CVS have the most identifiable logos in healthcare, and Tylenol is the most identifiable pain reliever among Baby Boomers and Gen X (Advil is the most identifiable among Millennials and Gen Z). Meanwhile, 62% of men can identify the Tampax logo (well done, guys!)

But as always with these studies (we've seen similar examples for car logos, and famous logos in general), the most entertaining aspect is peoples' attempts to draw the logos from memory. Tebra has handily presented these from least to most accurate.

You can find the full results of the study over on Tebra's website. And while you might think a brand would want to distance itself from amateur drawings of its logo, Coca-Cola's latest campaign might just surprise you.