It’s been an eventful few months when it comes to the Chicago Bears’ stadium development. While Arlington Heights was believed to be the odds on favorite for the new stadium, there have been some obstacles, most notably tax issues, and the team made it known that it was no longer the singular focus.
Bears president and CEO Kevin Warren appeared at an invitation-only meeting at the Metropolis Performing Arts Center in Arlington Heights on Monday night, where he discussed the latest with stadium plans. While Arlington Heights could very well be the new site of the stadium, it doesn’t sound like things are close to resolved.
“We do need a new home for the Chicago Bears,” Warren said, via NBC Sports Chicago. “We have to figure out if Arlington Heights is legitimately a viable option or is it not. This has nothing to do with personal feelings. This is strictly business. And I just want to make sure that we’re all on the same page and figure out if this is something that will work.”
The Bears have started demolition on the Arlington International Racecourse, but they’re reiterated that doesn’t mean a stadium will be built. If Warren’s comments are any indication, any resolution still feels a long way away. But Warren assured everyone they’re doing their due diligence when it comes to finding the best partner.
“This is not about the Chicago Bears trying to come in and take advantage of everyone,” Warren said. “It’s the opposite. It’s about the Chicago Bears finding a partner.”
“Once we have a legitimate partner, we will move forward,” Warren added. “If that’s in Arlington Heights, great. If it’s somewhere else, that’s great too.”