Be kind to us - that's the message from Aldi employees as supermarkets across the UK face high demand in the holiday season. The Express reports that Louisa Brown went on the Aldi UK Shoppers Facebook group to appeal to customers to cut staff some slack over the summer to make shopping a more pleasurable experience for everyone.
Her message read: "Yes, it's silly season. Every man and his dog has come out to play and visit the supermarkets. I'm not just on about my store, I'm on about every supermarket, everywhere. To all that shop.
"Spare a thought for the people that are working in this heat, to keep your cupboards stocked. Or just so you can pop in for an ice lolly. When we say we don't have a product we genuinely don't.
"The stock is worked, and worked again hours after. To keep it on the shelves for you. My staff are tired but yet keep smiling and pushing through. Because yes, it's our job but more importantly we have a passion and we actually love our jobs.

"If there's a queue. Just queue. We will get you through as quick as physically possible, so waving your fingers in the air and scowling/abusing my staff, oh and generally being a moaner, will get you nowhere."
"All I'm trying to say is be kind. Share that smile with a stranger. Just appreciate people, and remember that we are trying our best."
More than 30,000 people in the UK work for Aldi, and staff have got behind Louisa's timely message. Fellow Aldi worker Claire Crichton said: "I am just about to start my shift for today and I won’t get home until 11pm tonight but will still have a smile on my face for my customers."
Sarah Parsons, whose partner works in retail, wrote in reply: "The shops have air conditioning but often storage and staff areas don’t. Do spare a thought for above reasons and conditions behind the scenes."
Another post read: "You always work so hard under the pressure of management and customers. It's such a shame more people don't understand the constraints put upon you all."
One other worker wrote: "I work in retail and we keep smiling, say 'have a nice day' and the verbal abuse still flows like the queues."
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