John Humphrys makes a powerful case for local journalism, but misrepresents the BBC’s plans to improve local news coverage and keep pace with the media habits of our audiences (Local journalism made me what I am today. Without it, we’ll all be the poorer, 30 March). Far from spying an opportunity to “save a few quid”, as John suggests, the BBC’s plans will see no reduction in either funding or overall staffing levels across our 39 local bases in England.
Instead, our goal is to provide greater value to communities by strengthening our local online news and audio services – supported by the creation of 130 additional news posts across the country. This will include almost 80 new investigative posts to improve the depth and rigour of the BBC’s local journalism across TV, radio and online. In addition, the plans will see the launch of four new local online news services, for Bradford, Wolverhampton, Sunderland and Peterborough.
At a time of constrained funding, these plans have inevitably involved some difficult trade-offs – including a greater level of programme-sharing between local radio stations at times of the day when fewer listeners tune in. But we believe our plans strike a better balance between our local online and broadcast services at a time when millions of people increasingly turn to their mobile first for news and information.
Rhodri Talfan Davies
BBC director of nations
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