The BBC building in the centre of Cardiff was plastered with hundreds of posters on Saturday, accusing the broadcaster of 'Fake news' and "disinformation".
Most of the posters had an anti-vax message incorrectly stating that the media was committing "crimes against humanity" for reporting "lies, propaganda and fake news". Some of the leaflets also referred to the media as "the virus" while others had the hashtag "Defund the BBC".
The posters appeared on Saturday, February 11, but all trace of them had gone by Sunday morning. The group responsible appears to be The White Rose, originally an anti-Nazi movement in Germany. The group has 49,000 subscribers on TikTok where it encourages followers to buy a cheap label printer and "Print hundred of stickers, for dirt cheap. from the comfort of your home".
The group describes itself as a "global network of independent activists, all working in unison to disseminate a much needed counter narrative to the relentless fear mongering, lies and propaganda we've all been subjected to since day one of the Covid-19 scamdemic".
A BBC spokesman said it did not comment on security matters.