The BBC have cancelled a popular quiz show after just two series.
Comedian Zoe Lyons shared her heartbreak over the cancellation of her show, Lightning, on Twitter.
The quiz show sees players battle it out to win £3,000 as they pass a light from themselves to a rival by correctly answering question.
The player who is caught in the light when the timer runs out is eliminated.
Sharing a photo of her glittery blazer hung up on a coat hanger, Zoe tweeted: "Sadly all good quizzes must come to an end but I can’t tell you what a joy it was to work on @lightningquiz for @bbc2.

“We made 2 cracking series and I loved every second of working with my pals at BBC Belfast. Every contestant was a [star emoji] and you can still catch up on @BBCiPlayer.”
A BBC spokesperson told the Daily Star : "Lightning has had two great series but we need to make room for new opportunities. We'd like to thank Zoe and the team for all their hard work."

Devastated fans took to Twitter to share their sadness over the end of the show, with one tweeting: "That’s a shame, Zoe. It was definitely a very unique quiz, and I actually had an audition to be on the second series, and I thought I might’ve swung it by wearing this in my Zoom audition… Unfortunately, it wasn’t to be, although I do love your jacket! Defo need one!"

While another commented: "Oh no im absolutely gutted such a shame we wont be seeing another series. I hope you get another show soon Zoe as you were brilliant on lighting there'll never be another quiz like this. Awww i will miss it are you doing any comedy gigs soon?"
A third wrote: "Really sorry to hear this - it was a great show, you were a brilliant host, and it was immensely enjoyable to take part in as a contestant. Col (aka Grizzly Doyle!)."