The New York Yankees opened the original Yankee Stadium on this date, April 18, in 1923. The club moved out of its iconic home in 2008.
There was video evidence of this and everything. It’s on MLB’s website. Mariano Rivera recorded the final outs, Frank Sinatara’s New York, New York blared over the speakers. It was a whole to-do.
In 2009, the Yankees began play at the brand new, $2.3 billion Yankee Stadium built one block from where the house that Ruth built stood.
It is now 2023. The Bronx Bombers have played in new Yankee Stadium for more than a decade. Which means they have not played at old Yankee Stadium in just as long.
These facts are important because April 18, 2023 would’ve been the 100th anniversary of old Yankee Stadium. But that building no longer exists. There’s video of it being destroyed and everything.
So instead it’s just a random Tuesday in April where the Yankees host the Los Angeles Angels. But these are the Yankees we’re talking about, so of course they had to go over the top and make it seem like they can still say they’ve played at Yankee Stadium for 100 years.
100 Years at Home. #RepBX pic.twitter.com/NFtwY1iih3
— New York Yankees (@Yankees) April 18, 2023
It would be fair to say they’ve played 100 years at two homes which are both called Yankee Stadium. That’s about it.
Baseball fans were not letting this one go.
That's not how math works!
Lol you tore the old place down folks. https://t.co/Sr37zEUXJC
— Trevor McCue (@trevormccue) April 18, 2023
this is simply not true https://t.co/WqVlj5CetV
— Nikky Sticks (@NikChiaradia) April 18, 2023
Y’all know damn well it’s not the same ballpark https://t.co/EnFqJZl8jT
— 2x World Series Champion Doug Dimmadome (@jalex_819) April 18, 2023
Me trying to figure out how 2009 was 100 years ago https://t.co/agpHwg68SX pic.twitter.com/FGuekYH3Od
— Smiley (@THESmiley54) April 18, 2023
Literally 2 different stadiums https://t.co/QnRR6vyfQB
— Shaun Hedden (@ShaunHedden) April 18, 2023
Well, at least we know where the Yankees stand on the Ship of Theseus Paradox. https://t.co/gppE5kRJz7
— Spider Jerusalem (@Jorjorwel42) April 18, 2023
Trying to figure out how a stadium completed in 2009 is celebrating their 100th anniversary. https://t.co/H46hBJwoPp pic.twitter.com/feDruTAAE7
— Drew (@andrwlane) April 18, 2023
Fixed that for ya https://t.co/HCrO1u8qqa pic.twitter.com/OqxZfASf26
— kat, senior analyst of advanced chaos metrics (@bgardnerfanclub) April 18, 2023