Warning! The following contains spoilers from the Barry Season 4 episode called "The Wizard." Read at your own risk!
Barry Season 4 is getting closer to its finale, with a grand ending that Bill Hader conceived and motivated him to wrap this adventure up before the network was ready. So far, those with HBO or an HBO Max subscription have seen an unlikely reconciliation between Barry and Fuches and even Hank's shocking decision to kill Cristobal. None of that was as wild as Sally fighting for her life against a home invader in "The Wizard," which Bill Hader directed. As bonkers as that sequence was, the scene does have fans excited for the possibility of Hader making a horror movie.
Bill Hader has plans for a horror movie, and it's possible that the Barry episode "The Wizard" offered a taste of what he can bring to the genre. Sally was home alone with their son John when she heard a threatening comment from the next room. The camera then followed Sally around the home as she checked all of its nooks and crannies but, somehow, she failed to spot the man dressed in all-black clearly in the camera shot.
Viewers watched the man follow Sally all the way back to her room before slamming the door and trapping her in. The man then proceeded to ransack the area outside Sally's room where John slept and then rammed their home with his truck with such force it knocked Sally across the space into a dresser. The culprit fled, and the scene ended without Sally or the audience having any clue what it was all about. Twitter was creeped out by the entire scene, and fans had some choice words for the star of the show:
bill hader youre a mother fucker for this #barry pic.twitter.com/BReTH1L840May 15, 2023
I don't have any obscenities to hurl at Bill Hader for this scene, but I can agree with the general sentiment that it was such a stressful scene to witness. The tension of the man following Sally was off-the-charts intense, and I was anxiously waiting to see if he would strike. Twitter user @edgorteg gave just as much credit to actress Sarah Goldberg for the scene, and had a request for Hader:
Dear Bill Hader, Whatever that future horror film of yours is, take your time to make it extra special. And please cast Sarah Goldberg in some kind of role. Alongside Hader’s impeccable eye for suspense and eerie imagery in #Barry, she’s what really sells these moments.
Others didn't have much to give in regards to a request for a potential horror movie but did want to give Bill Hader props for scaring the hell out of them. It looks like if he does make a horror movie, @incognito_prem will be there to get a ticket:
Yeah that horror movie by Bill Hader will be one for the ages. What an exceptional sequence! #Barry
We shouldn't be surprised by now by anything that Bill Hader does with Barry given the awards and critical acclaim it has amassed, but here we are once again. This series has certainly helped the actor gain some additional credibility across multiple genres after his tenure on Saturday Night Live, and it's even getting people excited about hypothetical projects. How many Hollywood directors have audiences predicting a film worthy of an Academy Award based on a TV show? One fan wrote:
Bill Hader is probably going to direct an Oscar-worthy horror film one day that I’ll be too scared to see #BarryMay 15, 2023
It may be a bit much to put that kind of pressure on Bill Hader, especially since anxiety factored into him having a hard time on SNL. At the end of the day, however, this is a huge vote of confidence in the actor/director and whatever he has coming up after Barry:
tonight’s barry just makes me more and more excited for bill hader to dive into horrorMay 15, 2023
I'm definitely excited for what's next, and glad that Hader decided to end the HBO series before the show started to dip even a bit in quality. Here's hoping he does get to make a horror movie, and that it's every bit as good as this creepy episode of Barry.
Barry airs on HBO on Sundays at 10:00 p.m. ET. Whether or not the series can finish Season 4 as strong as it has been so far remains to be seen, because I honestly can't tell how it'll all shake out given all the wildness we saw in this latest episode.