After months of hinting at a ministerial reshuffle, Chief Minister Andrew Barr finally announced the changes on Monday morning.
The announcement didn't come with any pomp and ceremony, it was simply Mr Barr standing outside the Assembly, alone, explaining his decisions.
The reshuffle wasn't exactly remarkable. There wasn't anybody dumped from cabinet and nobody lost a leadership role.
It was quite a civil exercise, at least from the outside, as far as reshuffles go. But the changes still send a message.
Mick Gentleman has had the most changes. He lost the planning portfolio after holding the role since 2016.
It could simply be the time has come for renewal or it could be in response to the criticisms in that area.
It may also be a reward for Chris Steel who has clearly been trusted with the bigger picture issues as he retained the transport ministry.
Mr Gentleman also lost the corrections portfolio to Emma Davidson, however, it's hard to determine who is the loser.

Corrections is a notoriously difficult portfolio as Canberra's jail is absolutely plagued with issues. Being in charge of the portfolio puts you in the firing line. Mr Gentleman has faced two motions of no-confidence in corrections.
Removing Mr Gentleman from the role may be the right move but Ms Davidson is an interesting choice.
Ms Davidson has overseen a number of issues in the mental health portfolio. A review of her office also found high turnover due to inexperience, a lack of quality leadership and workplace conflict.
She might just be the loser in this circumstance.
When it came to the disability portfolio it was clear Ms Davidson was punished. She has spoken out against proposed NDIS changes. But these have been supported by Mr Barr.
Ms Davidson was disappointed in this move, as Greens Leader Shane Rattenbury said in a statement following news of the reshuffle.
Mr Barr has said this reshuffle sets up the government for its priorities next year. It is the first cabinet reshuffle of this term and, barring any surprises, it will likely be the last.