Baltimore, a city once plagued by high crime rates and rampant violence, is now experiencing a significant drop in homicides. Mayor Brandon Scott attributes this decline to a comprehensive violence reduction plan, which includes community involvement, strategic police efforts, and treating violence as a public health crisis.
Under Mayor Scott's leadership, Baltimore has implemented a community violence intervention ecosystem, focusing on those at highest risk of both perpetrating and becoming victims of violence. The city has also collaborated with federal and state partners, including the US Attorney's Office and the State's Attorney, to address the root causes of violence.
One notable achievement is the significant reduction in arrests lacking probable cause. Following revised training and policy implementation, the number of arrests lacking probable cause dropped from 10.4% in 2019 to just 4% in 2021. Mayor Scott believes this demonstrates that reducing crime can be achieved constitutionally and while ensuring the protection of citizens' civil rights.
However, Baltimore's success in curbing violence goes beyond policing strategies. Mayor Scott emphasizes the need for meaningful gun regulation laws at the national level. A substantial number of guns seized in Baltimore originate from other states, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive gun control measures nationwide. Mayor Scott advocates for banning ghost guns and holding manufacturers and stores accountable for selling firearms to individuals who should not have access to them.
To address the lack of safety felt by residents, Baltimore has taken a multifaceted approach. By involving the community in violence reduction efforts and investing $50 million into community violence intervention work, the city aims to make residents actively participate in creating safer neighborhoods. Additionally, initiatives such as increased community policing and enhanced investments in recreation and programming for young people aim to provide opportunities for positive change and deter involvement in violence.
While the statistics reveal a positive trend, Mayor Scott acknowledges that every life lost is one too many. The comprehensive approach implemented in Baltimore serves as a model for other cities grappling with similar challenges. By combining community engagement, strategic law enforcement, and effective gun control measures, cities can work towards sustainable reductions in violence and help residents feel safer on their streets.
Baltimore's journey from a city plagued by crime to one making significant strides in reducing violence demonstrates the power of a comprehensive and community-driven approach to tackling public safety concerns.