Whenever the striking oversized steel ball looms large on the side of Kosciuszko Road just south of Cooma, the Yowie clan knows a Snowy Mountains adventure isn't too far away.
It sends a wave of excitement through the Yowie-mobile like when you catch that first glimpse of the ocean when heading down the Clyde Mountain, or the sight of Black Mountain Tower on the western horizon when driving south along the Federal Highway, which signals that you are almost home.

Although it feels like it's been there for decades, the steel ball, officially known as "Snowy River Sphere", was only erected in 2011, commissioned by the Snowy River Shire Council to welcome you to the shire. It certainly does that.
While my kids have always viewed the large sculpture as a giant snowball (just add the snow, they say!), there are many ways to interpret Snowy River Sphere than first meets the eye.
The striking sculpture is primarily made from recycled steel beams originally used in the construction of the Skitube back in the 1980s which, according to Richard Moffatt, can "represent the ski runs, rivers and indigenous pathways of the Snowy Mountains".
Of course, art can be interpreted in many ways, and Richard also admits, "the sphere is abstract ... opening the sculpture up to many imaginative interpretations from the public".

So, although its spherical shape is designed "to reflect the striking boulder-strewn landscape of The Snowies", for my kids at least, it will always represent a giant snowball. Yes, even in summer.
- Snowy Sphere is located on Kosciuszko Road, about 7km south of the turn-off to the Snowy Mountains Highway and 2km north of Snowy Mountains Airport. It was purposefully positioned on this stretch of open road to maximise the effect for passing traffic. I'm yet to photograph it covered in snow. Have you?
- CONTACT TIM: Email: tym@iinet.net.au or Twitter: @TimYowie or write c/- The Canberra Times, GPO Box 606, Civic, ACT, 2601