In honor of SI Golf's second-annual Bad Takes Week. I decided to throw my hat in the ring with a terrible idea of my own. Most golfers have come to love the idea of hitting a breakfast ball, that beautiful little second chance on the first tee.
But here's my terrible take: Why does the breakfast ball have to be used only on the first tee?
Let's say you step up and stripe that opening drive of the day. No need for a breakfast ball. So, what do you do? You pocket that breakfast ball for when you need it most. Top your three wood down the fairway? Drop the breakfast ball. Blade your wedge over the green? Time for breakfast. Banana-slice your drive three fairways over? Drop the ball.
Maybe it's time we get comfortable with the idea that on the golf course, a late breakfast is still O.K. Here's my full video for more.
This article was originally published on www.si.com as Bad Takes Week: Take a Breakfast Ball Whenever You Need It.