I agree with Jane Martinson that powerful men should not be deified (After the Huw Edwards scandal, a tip for the BBC – your stars are not Gods: stop treating them like that, 17 September). But there are also women whose bad behaviour should not be indulged or tolerated because they are high-profile.
The stories of Huw Edwards’ treatment of former colleagues (in addition to his sexual offences) brought back to me my own time at the BBC. Not so serious as sexual impropriety or abuse, but a misuse of power that amounted on occasion to bullying. Mostly it was subtle, undermining confidence, draining morale. It was hard to pin down the evidence for a formal grievance, while also meeting daily deadlines.
Senior managers knew how unpleasant this woman was but, beyond sympathising, did little. And I did not do enough. One colleague who did complain to HR was told to find a better way to manage the talent. I have enormous respect for the BBC and was proud to work there, but it needs to listen to staff concerns and tackle bullying and inappropriate behaviour head-on. And the culprit is not always a man.
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