The parents of two young children killed in a horrific car crash are expecting another child – due on their tragic daughter’s birthday.
Rhiannon Lucas and partner Adam Saunders saw their family wiped out when drug-driver Martin Newman smashed into their car on the M4 near Newport as they returned home from a birthday party.
Four-year-old Gracie-Ann Lucas and brother Jayden-Lee, three, died within days of each other and their mum, 25, suffered serious injuries.
Adam, 27, the youngsters’ stepdad, told Wales Online : “After everything we have been through, this is something to keep us sane.
“Obviously, we will never forget Jayden and Gracie but it’s something we don’t have to always dwell on and always have sad moments… we have happy memories to look back on.

“This is something now for us to focus on and look forward to. It’s something lovely to happen to us after everything that has happened.”
The couple were told their expected due date at the 12-week scan is April 10, 2023, which would have been little Gracie-Ann’s sixth birthday.
Adam said: “It’s like fate. For the due date to be on Gracie’s birthday, it’s like the kids were sending us a message.
“Emotions are definitely high but there have been smiles on our faces since we found out.”

The young siblings had a joint funeral on March 21. Adam, of Tredegar, South Wales, said: “Me and Rhiannon go up the graveside quite frequently.
“Although they are gone they’re still with us in our hearts and as far as we are concerned, Gracie and Jayden are having a little brother or sister.
“We know they are looking down on us and knew what we told them.
“And now they’ll certainly have some involvement.

“They’re making sure they are involved and sending a message with the due date on Gracie’s birthday.”
Cardiff crown court heard Newman, 41, had drunk 10 cans of Strongbow cider and taken cocaine before getting behind the wheel.
He sobbed in the dock as he admitted two counts of causing death by dangerous driving and was sentenced to nine years and four months in prison.