A baby with a full head of hair "like Elvis Presley's" leaves people so shocked they stop in the street to have a look.
Kiaya Leach, from Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, explained her little girl Hallie was often compared to the rock and roll great due to her thick locks.
The 21-year-old was left stunned when she gave birth to Hallie with a full head of thick, black hair.
Any attempts to tame the thick locks have been unsuccessful and, reluctantly, the stay-at-home mum has opted to embrace the crazy hair.
The mum-of-two said she often stopped in the street by stunned passer-by who comment on Hallie's locks.
She said: "Everyone compares her hair to Elvis Presley. It's naturally gone into this cute little quiff - just like his hair.

"I'm always stopped in the street by people who can't believe how much hair she has.
"We've done everything to try and flatten and brush it, but it does what it wants.
"I've stopped trying to style it now and just let it do its own thing."
The single mum says Hallie is adored by her brother Hunter, three, who calls her the Hulk after comparing it to the Marvel superhero.

Kiaya said: "He's got this thick long blonde hair - they're quite the pair.
"Hunter absolutely adores his little sister - he's really obsessed with her.
"He's nicknamed 'Thor' because of his hair so we have a pair of superheroes.

"I don't plan to get it cut anytime soon. I love seeing how long it gets."
After spending give hours in labour last July, Hallie was welcomed to the world, weighing 9lb and 7oz.
But before a congratulations were in order, nurses were quick to comment on the thick, black hair the tot was sporting, which is now more than three inches thick.
She added: "The first thing the doctors said was how much of a big baby she was and how much hair she had.

"It never stops growing - I can't believe how long it is already.
"It gets greasy quite quickly, so we have a dedicated hair wash day for her.
"I've combed it back, to the sides, but it always sticks up again.
"I've decided to just leave it be because she looks so cute."