Transitions between song sections have now become almost an artform in themselves, helping to excite mixes and introduce big choruses, drops and other hooks. Now Baby Audio and YouTube content kingpin Andrew Huang have teamed up to release Transit, a new plugin that’s devoted entirely to creating transitions. In fact, you can get the job done by turning a single knob.
The so-called Transition Control is the one we’re talking about, but there’s far more to Transit than this. The control triggers up to seven different effects, each of which has four macros of its own. You can assign specific parameters and set ranges for each of these, giving you a huge amount of control over the way the transition sounds and evolves.
There are 18 effects in total, covering modulation processors, distortion and degradation, motion FX, reverb, delay and a couple of filters. There’s also a synth oscillator and noise generator that can be used to create almost instant risers and sweeps.
The idea is that you can create your Transitions entirely within Transit - no need to fire up multiple plugins or use automation lanes. If you don’t fancy building your own, you can simply make use of the 300-plus presets.
In addition to the Macro mode, there’s a Sequencer mode that enables you to trigger sync’ed transitions, with each one starting at the next bar. There’s a Loop mode, too, which makes your transitions pulse back and forth indefinitely and turns Transit into a kind of LFO tool that provides constant movement.
You can download a free trial of Transit now from the Baby Audio website, and it’s available to purchase for the introductory price of $59 (regular price will be $99). It runs on PC and Mac in VST/AU/AAX formats.