Signs of mould and condensation in the home can cause instant alarm. The unsightly and unhealthy addition that can creep into our properties can be difficult to remove once it takes hold, so stopping the unwelcome guest before it gets a foothold is essential.
Tips and tricks to eradicate mould are rife and there are various items on the market that claim to oust mould too. One way to tackle the problem, which was highlighted by Manchester Evening News, is to use a dehumidifier. The cost of these devices varies widely, however, shoppers have spotted a budget-friendly dehumidifier that some say is 'excellent' at doing its job.
Being stocked by DIY giant B&Q, the £7.50 Blyss Curve Reusable Dehumidifier is detailed on the retailer's website as being "great for removing excess moisture from the air in medium sized rooms. It will help to combat undesirable consequences of high humidity such as condensation, damp, musty smells, wood rot, mould and mildew."
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According to reports, the product doesn't use any electricity, and while it may be budget friendly, is effective, with one shopper saying it eradicated condensation from their home in two days. With current temperatures plummeting, more homes may be struggling to keep condensation in their homes under control, so it could be an investment worth considering with reviewers giving it an overall rating of 4.5 out of a possible 5 stars.
A recent reviewer who gave the item four out of five stars, wrote: "I was surprised at exactly how much water these dehumidifiers attract. My “doughnut” attractor inside has run out in about one month but, from the water collected, has been essential. Very easy to use and quite subtly shaped so they fit in with any decor. I have taken off a star as they are very delicate. The first one I bought had a couple of the delicate “strands” on top broken but there was no trouble about returning for a replacement. For info, they stand approximately 9” high and around".

Another purchaser who had left a review said: "Doesn't need power, one ring is enough for 1.5 times its about 1litre of water." Another said: "Product works very well. Lots of moisture removed from room."
A third impressed shopper recalled: "Bought this to help with condensation in our bathroom which was causing black mould to appear. Wasn't sure if these things actually worked but was willing to have a try. Within 2 days of use there was 1cm depth of water in collection tank! The solid disc you pop in the top slowly dissolves and the water collects in the tank. Condensation gone, black mould gone. Have put one in my loft (now with more insulation) as I noticed water on the top of Xmas decoration box. That's working up there too. Well worth the money." A fourth person said: "Excellent at absorbing moisture, even from my metal patio doors."
However, not everyone was quite as impressed. One person, leaving a three-star review, wrote: "I was recommended this one by a B&Q staff member, he said they were very good (I was looking at the branded make) The lid was really hard to click on the base. Although it does collect moisture it doesn't make a big impact (I'd put it on the windowsill in the bedroom). Wouldn't recommend it as you still have to wipe down windows." Another said: "Good size and sturdy design. Good price. Did collect water and easy to change cartridge but unsure how effective it is as water still occurred on windows in lounge."