One keen-eye B&M shopper spotted a laundry bag product sold by the retailer that allows customers to sort their washing easily, and they were quick to share the news online.
The bargain giant stocks a laundry bag that is divided into three separate compartments: one for lights, one for darks, and one for colours.
Using the product, clothes are already sorted and ready to go in the wash without having to be sorted.
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The £8 product will likely appeal to those who spend a long time sifting through washing before putting it in the machine.
The customer who purchased the bag shared a picture of it on the Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK Facebook group.
Alongside the photo, they wrote: "I'm hoping this £8 bag from B&M helps make life a little easier than sorting through washing to get a load together and it fits my colour scheme in the bathroom.....And it's sort of plastic coated inside so you can out wet towels in and it won't leak through".
Before long, the post had attracted over 1,000 likes and more than 600 comments from fellow consumers.
One said: "I managed to get one of these for £4 and I love it. Makes the washing a little simpler".
A second wrote: "This has changed my life (yes, sad I know!). The only one I had to educate on lights/whites was my fiancé...been teaching the children for years".
"I don’t have that one but I have similar it’s fab and makes washing so easy," commented a third.
A fourth shared: "We got one similar from argos and my 7 year old daughter loves putting her washing in to the right compartments."
A fifth revealed: "I have this, it’s great. Each section holds a wash load "
Another joked: "These are a godsend... Until your husband doesn't read it and puts blacks in the lights without telling you".

However, many group members weren't sold on the idea — with some stating that their families would not make use of it.
One stated: "Good luck, I tried this sort of laundry bag with separates years ago, but my family are d*******s and just shove it in any section, so completely pointless for us".
A second echoed: "My kids still think the floor in the proximity of the laundry basket is their personal laundry basket. We tried one of these all it ended up with is the hassle of sorting through 3 baskets instead of the one, good luck hope it works out for you".
"Unfortunately the sections are far too small for our washing loads, life with a 6 year old and 3 month old," revealed a third.