A furious father killed a woman and maimed her husband in a rage-fuelled rampage with an axe amid a family feud.
Mohammed Yaqub Malik, 58, was jailed for 13 years on Friday, after pleading guilty to wounding and manslaughter.
A jury at Preston Crown Court found him not guilty of murder and attempted murder - but Malik was convicted of manslaughter after the court heard how he had “lost control” and had been “seriously provoked” in the days leading up to the attack.
According to Lancs Live reports, the bloodied bodies of Ishrat Ahmed, 53, and her husband Afaq, 56, were discovered by their nephew at their home in Nelson, Lancs, last year.
Malik had gone round to the couple's home armed with an axe after his daughter Fatima married their son Wasim Ahmed against his wishes.
Mrs Ahmed was killed by a single blow to the back of the head while her husband suffered multiple injuries after Malik attacked him as he said his prayers.
Tim Storrie QC, prosecuting, said in October 2019 Wasim Ahmed married Malik's daughter Fatima against her father's wishes.

Malik and his wife did not attend the wedding and the relationship was troubled from the start.
The couple separated in January 2020, but in the months that followed, there was hostility on both sides.
Fake social media posts were created and Wasim Ahmed continually harassed his ex-wife and her family, sending prostitutes to the house and posting spiteful comments about the family.
On July 4, Fatima complained her husband had posted sexual content of her on Instagram - although the images were not of her.
"It was the straw that broke the camel's back", Mr Shafi QC, defending, said.
The police visited and arranged to take a statement from Fatima - but when Wasim made further threats that evening, Malik picked up an axe from the garden and drove to the Ahmed's house to confront his former son-in-law.
The couple’s nephew, Tariq, said he was one of the first people on the scene after the brutal attack.
"I live just a few doors down from my aunt and uncle and I was just about to start my prayers when I heard a knock on my door," the 45-year-old, who was born in Burnley, said.

"This woman was stood hammering on my door shouting 'uncle, uncle, quick, quick' so I got my slippers on and ran up and as soon as I opened the front door it was just utter carnage. There was blood splattered everywhere.
"I saw my aunt first, she was sort of sat with her back to the wall, and I thought she had maybe fainted because I couldn't see any injuries so I ran to my uncle in the kitchen.
"I could see his wounds from a distance. I kneeled next to him and said 'everything is alright, I'm here' and tried to keep him calm.
"I didn't realise how serious my aunt's injuries were until the ambulance arrived and they couldn't wake her up."
Wasim Ahmed's relationship with Malik's daughter Fatima had been "troubled from the start", the jury had heard, and the couple separated in January 2020.
Wasim continued to harass his ex-wife and her family by sending prostitutes to the house and on July 4 he threatened Fatima which led to Malik picking up an axe and driving to the Ahmeds' home to confront Wasim.
In a victim impact statement, Ishrat's daughter Zubair Ahmed spoke of the terrible loss the family feels after the death of her mother.
She said: "We miss her so much. The damage that has been caused is immeasurable. There are no words to describe the depths of our pain and loss.
"I have never experienced such feelings of hate as I do towards the man who came into our home and killed our mum.
"I will never get over it. My life and my family life have been destroyed."
Despite the provocation, Malik had faced Tariq said that his family has been "unable to fathom" why he was not convicted of murder and attempted murder.
"We have remained dignified throughout but we are really disappointed with the verdict," Tariq, who works at Rossendale Borough Council, said.
"As a family, it's difficult for us to understand.
"We're really grateful to the police and I know they really wanted a murder conviction.
"I feel sorry for them too. They did their best and were such a massive support to us.
"Throughout this awful ordeal we have tried to maintain our dignity and prayed for justice through the legal system which unfortunately we have not been given but we remain united and stronger than ever and are determined that nothing tarnishes the precious memories and loving legacy of our beloved relative who stood for peace and compassion for everyone.
"We now have to carry on rebuilding our lives in the most difficult of circumstances but we will do so through prayer and by supporting each other and never forgetting the principles of a loving family that Mrs Ahmed our beloved one always stood for."