The Cheeky Girls were certainly living up to their iconic name on Wednesday when they plunged the This Morning studio into chaos after arriving at the wrong studio by mistake and almost missing their live interview slot. The 39-year-old twins, who first shot to fame on Popstars: The Rivals, were due to be interviewed by Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield about marking 20 years since their debut with new music.
But identical twin sisters Gabriela and Monica Irimia, originally from Romania, almost didn't get to feature on the daytime ITV show. They spent the morning dashing across London after they showed up at the old South Bank studios instead of Television Centre, where the programme has now been filmed for four years - after moving in 2018.
During a segment of the show where Holly and Phil were explaining what was coming up next, Holly said: "It's a noughties dream come true. The Cheeky Girls are back celebrating 20 years since their iconic debut the twins tell us about getting back into the music industry".
Her co-host Phil continued to explain: "Well, we hope, we hope they’re going to be here because actually they’re so retro they went to the old studio on the South Bank".
"They’re currently travelling across London trying to get here," Holly added.
"It’s being pulled down so they’ll be covered in builder’s dust and goodness only knows what," Phil joked whilst Holly added: "Oh girls!’ before trying to be positive and adding: "They’ll get here".
Thankfully the singing-duo did make it to the studio in time and the TV moment got many viewers talking on Twitter, with some reminiscing back to the noughties when the pair had chart hits such as "Cheeky Song (Touch My Bum)". Mr Adam R posted: "The Cheeky Girls currently sprinting across London because they went to old, being demolished, #ThisMorning studio is the funniest news today". @SlapstickSally tweeted: "The Cheeky Girls are that out of date they've gone to the old studio #ThisMorning".
Laura said: "Cheeky girls gives me flashbacks to year 10/11 when I heard their Christmas song every day of December in form so thanks #thismorning for the flashbacks". Leanne Thomas added: "The cheeky girls? Picked the right day to tune in. Cheeky, cheeky. I had the single back in the day and of course no shame lol #ThisMorning".
This Morning airs weekdays on ITV and ITV Hub from 10am.