We all have something we’re passionate about. Whether it’s an activity, a thing, or anything else – what matters is that it brings us joy.
For some people, like today’s original poster, their passion is a certain holiday, like Halloween in this case. This woman’s whole life is basically dedicated to this occasion – from her tattoos and style to even her wedding date. So, when she started working at a new job that focuses on a big project each October, she realized that her yearly Halloween plans might be ruined and started spiraling about how she could maintain the job and her traditions.
More info: Reddit
It’s completely normal to have something you’re passionate about, even if it’s quite strange for other people

Image credits: Colton Sturgeon / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
In this story, a woman is very passionate about Halloween – it is reflected in her clothes, tattoos, and even her wedding anniversary

Image credits: Ivan Samkov / Pexels (not the actual photo)
One day at her job, she realized that she had to work on a big project each October, which interfered with her yearly tradition

Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
She started panicking about the fact that she wouldn’t be able to take time off to do what she loves and asked online what she should do

Image credits: Direct-Caterpillar77
A year later, she came back online to provide an update – after her coworkers realized how important this holiday was for her, she was able to make a time-off arrangement for it
At the time when the original post was written, the OP had spent 6 months at her job. Everything was going great for her there and she loved it, except for one thing.
It was decided that their yearly project was going to be processed at the end of October. The thing is, the OP is obsessed with Halloween. In fact, she even called herself a “Halloween nut.” During her beloved holiday, she likes to take a week or two off. Yet, if her workplace had to deal with a large project then, it meant she might not be able to do so.
A lot of people love Halloween because it’s quite a flexible holiday. Here, according to this Reddit post and comments under it, folks feel free to celebrate this occasion the way they want and they don’t feel the need to conform to traditions like during more family-centered occasions like Thanksgiving or Christmas.
The OP goes all out for this holiday. She carves jack-o-lanterns, drinks pumpkin beers, watches horror movies, decorates her house spookily, and volunteers at haunted houses. If that weren’t enough to show her love for this occasion, she also has a Halloween tattoo on her arm and got married on Halloween.
She loves this holiday, even though some think it’s only for kids and a woman in her 40s shouldn’t enjoy it. In fact, she disagrees with that, and she isn’t the only one. Some peeps only start celebrating Halloween when they grow up, debunking the idea that it’s only for kids.
Some argue that maybe back in the day Halloween was more focused on children, but now it has been adultified. Well, as we said previously, this holiday provides a chance for people to express themselves, be creative, and simply let loose and have fun. Taking time to have fun is crucial for humans’ well-being and is just a good “excuse” to do so.
A person loving a holiday and its vibe, just like the OP does, is completely okay. After all, we all have something we’re passionate about. So, it was natural for her to worry that her job responsibilities might interfere with her passion.

Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
The year she wrote the post, she already had taken paid time off and let everyone assume she was leaving town and wouldn’t be able to work, especially because the team let her know that they’d be able to manage without her.
Yet, she was worried about the upcoming year, as she might not be able to get time off then. She said she was willing to work on any other occasion, just not Halloween – it’s too important to her. Usually, Halloween is not a day off in companies, because not everyone celebrates it, and even if they do, most of the time it takes place after work.
The OP is unlike others when it comes to this celebration, so she questioned how to bring this to the attention of her manager without it becoming a problem. She was even willing to consider leaving the job if it became non-negotiable.
With this question, she ended the original post. Then, a year later she came back to give an update – she was still at the same job and got Halloween day off that year. Apparently, she was able to work it out with her boss, as she agreed to do a lot of front-end work for the project.
The understanding from the workplace likely came from the fact that they all saw how important the holiday was to her – her tattoo, her clothes (pumpkin purse; orange, purple, and green accessories), and so on. Her passion even became a harmless running joke in the company.
She is planning to have a perfect Halloween day off – a horror movie marathon, chocolate, all things pumpkin, fall-scented candles, a black cat on her lap, and a vampire costume. Basically, every Halloween enthusiast’s ideal day. As people online said, she really knows how to celebrate this holiday.
She ended the post quoting a comment from the original one that stuck with her: “We all get to have things that are important to us that don’t line up with more mainstream observances.” So, remember this quote when you’re doubting whether something you’re passionate about is important enough, and just remember how assured this author’s passion is.
People online praised her for being so passionate about the holiday and shared similar passions from their own lives