Major spoilers for the latest episode of Marvel’s Secret Invasion, “The Harvest,” lie ahead, so read at your own risk.
Secret Invasion dropped its penultimate episode this week, and it looks like Nick Fury is now prepared to take the war to the Skrull resistance leader, Gravik. While this installment mostly just sets the table for the impending finale, it does answer a few key questions. A major one that’s likely lingered in viewers’ minds is: Why hasn’t Gravik just killed Fury already? Well, it turns out he has a firm reason for not taking out the former S.H.I.E.L.D. director, and it’s connected to Avengers: Endgame. Now, after learning these details, fans have taken to the Internet and are hilariously doing the most.
By now, it’s no secret that the miniseries has introduced the Super Skrulls, which were developed using a device that enhances Skrulls with the genetic attributes of other powerful beings. The DNA of the Frost Giants and even Guardian of the Galaxy Groot are in the mix as is Extremis (which was introduced in Iron Man 3). While this has proven to be successful thus far, Gravik wants more, specifically a mix known as the Harvest. Said concoction is a mixture of the DNA of the most powerful Avengers, including Captain Marvel. So how was this created? Well, Nick Fury tasked Skrulls (including Gravik himself) with collecting the samples from the site where the heroes’ final battle with Thanos took place in Endgame.
This is a major development to say the least, as the villainous extraterrestrial is now in the position to harness the abilities of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Fans who’ve been weighing in on Twitter aren’t holding back their thoughts. One particular viewer feels like there’s some serious trouble on the way in next week’s finale:
#SecretInvasion[SPOILERS]The fact that this shit literally contains the blood of some of the most prestigious Avengers is RIDICULOUS. If Gravik gets his hands on this, next weeks episode is only going to be five seconds. pic.twitter.com/reJ1ZsBG4WJuly 19, 2023
The notion of the Skrulls getting their hands on that vial is somewhat daunting, to be honest. I mean, how do you stop someone who has the powers of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s greatest heroes. Another fan humorously seems to think that such a force would be overwhelming:
AVENGERS DNA WHAT??? IF THEY GET THEIR HANDS ON THAT ITS OVER... #SecretInvasion pic.twitter.com/P3wPGtswVEJuly 19, 2023
While some are hyping up how Gravik and the Skrulls might use the Harvest, others are questioning Nick Fury’s actions. He’s engaged in some questionable activities in the past, mind you, but acquiring DNA belonging to the Avengers just seems dangerous. The following Twitter commentator didn’t mince words when discussing Nick’s collection initiative:
Presented with this development, one also has to wonder something else: How would the heroes themselves react when learning what the super spy did? One person seems to think they wouldn’t take it all that well:
#SecretInvasion The Avengers when they find out Fury secretly collected all their DNA pic.twitter.com/hD2KczzYDZJuly 19, 2023
I assumed the biggest Nick Fury secret we’d learn from this show is that he has a wife – Varra/Priscilla – but it looks like I was wrong. As Sonya Falsworth explicitly mentions in “The Harvest,” this is all his fault and, with that, he’s going to have to deal with the consequences. I’m hoping it doesn’t end with him losing yet another comrade, as the Internet will surely be in its feelings again. But aside from that, let’s hope that the finale makes the most of this Avengers: Endgame-centric plot thread and that the series goes out with a bang.
The Secret Invasion series finale will be available for Disney+ subscription holders on Wednesday, July 26 as part of the 2023 TV schedule. Anyone who wants to revisit Avengers: Endgame can stream the film with the aforesaid membership, which will eventually get you access to upcoming Marvel shows.