Mark Dreyfus
The Sydney Morning Herald
The Guardian
Anthony Albanese
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Attorney General criticised companies who held onto personal data like passports for extended periods of time. Just delete it, babes.
“For too long, we’ve had companies solely looking at data as an asset that they can use commercially,” he said, per .
“We need to have them appreciate very, very firmly that Australians’ personal information belongs to Australians.”
According to , Dreyfus also said that the more data companies store, the more potential problems could occur.
“Obviously the more data that’s kept, the bigger a problem there is about keeping it safe, the bigger a problem there is about the potential damage that’s going to be done by a huge hack [like] that’s occurred here,” he said.
PM appeared on the 5AA morning show on Thursday, where he spoke about the breach.
He described the situation as a “wake-up call to corporate Australia”.
In case ya missed it, one of the is that 14,900 existing Medicare ID numbers and 22,000 expired Medicare ID numbers were revealed in the hack. In a pretty dogshit move, Optus also took a whole five days to let the Government know about the Medicare leak. SMH.
Optus will be footing the bill for affected users’ new driver’s licenses and possibly new passports too.
Albanese confirmed the government would look at privacy laws, and potentially increase fines for companies.
Radio presenter asked Albanese about Dreyfus’ comments, specifically the idea that companies should be forced to get rid of customer data if they don’t need it any more.
“It seems to me that that’s a pretty common sense proposal,” Albanese said.
Anthony, on this we 100 per cent agree.
The post Aus Companies May Soon Have To Dispose Of Certain Customer Data Thanks To The Optus Leak appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .