Summer's winding down with a "Blue Moon," a.k.a. two full moons in one month. (And perhaps a Blue Moon of the wheat ale variety as well.)
On Wednesday, August 30, la bella luna will get ready to shine her rays upon us, and we should expect the transit to be a relatively transformative experience. Though it has the capability to be an emotional 24 hours or so, as our August horoscope indicates, it also can open the door for a new chapter.
Allow astrologer Solaris the Hii Priestess to walk you through everything you need to know, and have a look at her tips for making the cosmic event a success, even if it feels like a heavy one.
The blue moon August 2023: everything you need to know
The astrology pros weren't kidding when they said this event would tap into our feelings. But it's a good thing. We might be a little nostalgic for something in our past, but it's time to acknowledge those old emotions and wrap 'em up.
"The illumination of two full moons in a single month, also known as a Blue Moon, is relatively rare and holds symbolic significance," Solaris says. "It is associated with heightened emotions and intensified energy. Some believe that it amplifies the effects of the full moon, making it a potent time for transformation and growth."
Don't deny whatever you're feeling. The best way to take advantage of the transit is to be authentic. That way, you'll feel good about moving on from whatever you're experiencing once the transit is over.
"Stay connected with your emotions and allow yourself to feel whatever arises," Solaris says. "Practice patience, flexibility, and compassion, both towards yourself and others."
Blue Moon Specifics
What areas of our lives could be affected by the next full moon? You'll have to dig deep into astrology to find out (or take it from Solaris)!
"The full moon on August 30 is in Aquarius at 29 degrees. Aquarius is an air sign known for its innovation, originality, and its focus on collective progress and the 29th degree symbolizes the end of a cycle or a need for completion before moving on to the next phase," she says.
Blue Moon Tips
So, how can you make this heightened experience one that serves you in the end? Think about what needs adjusting in your life and prepare to put those thoughts into action.
"Use this time to evaluate your progress, reevaluate your priorities, and make any necessary changes in preparation for what lies ahead," Solaris says. "Embrace the transformative energy that this full moon offers and use it as an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery."
And since it can be a little bit of a hectic experience, you're going to want to take some time for yourself to enjoy your favorite self-care activities.
Engage in activities that promote relaxation and inner peace, such as yoga, meditation, or engaging with creative outlets," Solaris says. Surround yourself with positive energy and supportive people who can provide guidance if needed.
When all is said and done, we're going to enter the fall ready to tackle whatever heads our way. We're going to feel reinvigorated and excited, especially since we're putting what doesn't serve us to rest in August. We're definitely ready!