These are 10 of Auckland's most wanted offenders.
Some have removed electronic monitoring bracelets, others have failed to show up at court and a few have breached their release conditions.
All of them are facing active charges, all are wanted on arrest warrants and all are on the run from police.
In the past month, Herald readers have helped police bring in two men that were wanted and actively evading arrest, one who had been on the run for more than a year.
Now, police are calling on the community to help them find their 10 most wanted alleged offenders across the Auckland area.
This group is made up of men and women, old and young who police want to locate as a priority.
Several are considered dangerous and are wanted on charges of assault, even for attacking police.
Counties Manukau relieving district Crime Prevention Manager Inspector Bruce O'Brien had a message for the 10, and encouraged anyone who knew where they were to get in touch with police.
"I am urging these people to do the right thing and hand themselves in to police and get these matters resolved," he told the Weekend Herald.
"We are asking our community to provide any information that can assist police in locating these individuals to please contact us at their earliest convenience."
*The information about these alleged offenders was correct as at 4pm on Saturday 4 February.

This alleged offender has a number of warrants out for his arrest relating to raft of active charges including male assaults female and common assault.
He has an ethnic-style tattoo on his right shoulder.

Heke is serving a sentence of home detention but police are unable to locate him.
Two warrants have been issued for his arrest, both for breaching his home detention conditions.
He is Maori, 173cm and of medium build.
He has a number of tattoos including dots on the back of his left hand, the letters RYTS on his left upper arm with a picture of a hand making a "C" sign and MUSBC etched on his left forearm.

"Hira has a warrant to arrest for a number of charges including common assault, assaults police and wilful damage," says O'Brien.
He is Maori, 184cm, with a medium-to-thin build.

Mitchell is a 43-year-old Maori woman, 155cm, with a large build.
She has the letter J tattooed on her right forearm.
O'Brien says Mitchell has a warrant for her arrest for breaching her home detention conditions.

This alleged offender is wanted on two warrants to arrest.
He is facing charges of injuring with intent to injure a person and breaching electronically-monitored bail.
He is Maori, 179cm, of medium build.

Paul-Dudley is Maori, 175cm, and of medium build.
There are two warrants out for his arrest and he is facing charges of breaching electronically-monitored bail.
He has a distinctive tattoo of two stars and two dice on his right leg, and numerous inkings on his arms.

There are several warrants to arrest issued for this 19-year-old who allegedly cut off his electronic monitoring bracelet.
Police describe him as Middle Eastern, 173cm, with a beard and moustache - though he may have shaved these off.
"Safi should not be approached by members of the public, anyone who knows where he is should contact 111 immediately," O'Brien says.

Vernall, 30, is wanted on several warrants to arrest in relation to a burglary and a serious family violence assault on the North Shore on December 16.
During that assault he allegedly smashed a glass into the victim's face, resulting in a broken nose and lacerations.
Vernall is 175cm, and of medium build with the word DIAMOND tattooed on his left forearm.
"Matthew Vernall should not be approached by members of the public. Anyone who sees him or knows where he is should call 111 immediately," says O'Brien.

Police have not been able to locate this 26-year-old since he allegedly removed his electronic monitoring bracelet.
There are now several warrants out for his arrest.
Vincent is European, 173cm, with a medium-to-thin build.
He has an injury scar on his right forearm with the letter W tattooed near it. He has a second tattoo of the letter M on his left forearm.
O'Brien says: "Any sightings of Paul or if you know where he is, should be reported by calling 111 immediately.
"Consider using Crimestoppers to report anonymously."

26 year-old Joshua Larkins is thought to be travelling in the company of his brother, 32 year-old Perry Bristow.
There are several warrants for the arrest of Larkins, for failing to appear in court on charges that include possession of an offensive weapon and unlawfully being in an enclosed yard.
Police would also like to speak to the pair in relation to an ongoing robbery investigation.
They are thought to be actively evading police and should not be approached by members of the public.

If you know where these alleged offenders are or have information that could lead to their arrest, call 111 or contact your nearest police station:
Auckland City 09 302 6400
Counties Manukau 09 261 1300
Waitemata 09 488 6200
For a full list of police station phone numbers click here.
To provide information anonymously, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.