In delicious news for those of us with a passion for interior decorating or simply want to bougie up the house on a budget, Kmart has started rolling out a whole swathe of new homewares that’ll look like you dropped a motza on the place.
Kmart’s new Home Living range has started popping up on the online store and in shops. It brings a bunch of natural tones and lovely muted hues to just about every room in the house.
Wooden bowls and furniture, funky ceramic vases, rattan pieces, fluted glass, earthy linens and fluffy bouclé statement pieces are scattered throughout the new range. Someone’s clearly been paying attention to TikTok and Instagram because just about everything in this new drop is deeply aesthetically pleasing.
I had a bit of a peruse through the range (and mentally started redecorating my entire house at the same time) to pick out a few primo pieces from the new range. Let’s have a look at what we can pick up for cheap before all the Kmart mums get all obsessed with it, shall we?

Ok, everything about this is delicious. The step up from the darker clay pinks, the comfy, fuzzy throw, the rippling of that rug that visually matches up with the lamp to the left. The textures. The sense of clean, calm energy. You just know you wouldn’t use the big light in this room — it’s a Lamps Only space.
And let us not look past the fact that bouclé has made its way to the Kmart homewares section. That means it’s now a fraction of the price of those hyper-trendy ads we all get served on Insta every day.

In this space, the vibe continues but I’m simply obsessed with the retro touch of that side table. It somehow works so well with the natural tones of all the other furniture while also subtly standing out as a bit of a statement piece. I have precisely zero room for it in my little Brunswick workers’ cottage but I adore it regardless.

This pink clay energy extends over into the dining space, too. Paired back with neutral colours and earthy tones, this has such a lovely dinner party warmth to it.
I feel like I could set this up and park around the table with a bunch of mates and a range of delicious foods with the low light glow from a few lamps and candles (again, no Big Light) and it would be a stellar vibe.
Last but not least is this absolute treasure lurking in the depths of your local Kmart — the TikTok-obsessed sunset lamp.

Excuse me, $25 for a fancy little lamp I can control with my phone and it gives me gorgeous lighting like this?

Yeah, give that to me right now thank you very much.
Honestly, the only flop in this new Kmart homewares range is the Arlo rug, which looks shockingly like an Islamic prayer rug. You’d think that Kmart would have learned from the mistakes of Shien back in 2020, when the brand had to publicly apologise for listing prayer rugs as “Greek carpets” on its site.
Bit of a yikes there, Kmart.
The post Attn Budgét Bougie Binches: Kmart Released A Bunch Of Beautiful Bits For Yr Boudoir & Beyond appeared first on Pedestrian TV.