State Pension is a contributions-based benefit that provides essential financial support for over 12.4 million older people across the UK, including some 981,399 living in Scotland. However, research by Age UK has found that an estimated 1.25 million women who are claiming State Pension are living below the breadline - equivalent to one in five.
Their study also highlighted how pensioners from black and Asian communities, including men and women, are around twice as likely to be living in poverty as white pensioners - 33 per cent of Asian pensioners and 30 per cent of black pensioners compared to 16 per cent of white pensioners. Male and female pensioners who rent their homes are also much more likely to be in poverty than those who own their home outright - 38 per cent of private tenants and 36 per cent of tenants in social rented housing compared with 14 per cent of homeowners.
Many people of State Pension age could be missing out on regular payments from Attendance Allowance because they mistakenly believe they will not qualify for the additional benefit or are put off by the claims process.
The latest statistics from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) show that more than 1.5 million people are claiming the benefit across the UK, including 124,192 Scots.
Successful claimants could receive either £61.85 or £92.40 a week, depending on the level of care needed because of their condition, which is paid every four weeks and works out at £247.40 and £369.60 each payment period, respectively.
The benefit is not means-tested so it doesn't matter what other money you have coming in or how much you have in savings. It is also tax-free and you will be exempt from the Benefit Cap so you won't have money taken away from any other benefits.
Of the Attendance Allowance claimants in receipt of payments, 60 per cent were aged 80 or over.
The most common disabling condition was arthritis (30%), followed by dementia (8%).
Many more people are entitled to Attendance Allowance but simply do not know enough about it to make a claim - below is a quick guide with some valuable insight by Age UK.
What is Attendance Allowance?
Attendance Allowance helps people who have reached State Pension age with extra costs if they have a physical or learning disability, severe illness, sensory impairment or mental health condition that makes it hard for them to look after themselves - but it does not cover any mobility needs.
You should consider making a claim if you need help or supervision throughout the day or at times during the night - even if you don’t currently get that help.
This might include:
Help with your personal care - getting dressed, eating or drinking, getting in and out of bed, bathing or showering and going to the toilet
Help to stay safe
You should also apply if you have difficulties with personal tasks, especially if they take you a long time, you experience pain or need physical help, like a chair to lean on.
Age UK has compiled a list of the most common myths that put people off making a claim for Attendance Allowance and potentially missing out on much needed financial support.
1. My claim was turned down before
Your circumstances may have changed since the last time you applied, especially if it was a while ago. If your care needs have increased, you may find you’re now eligible.
2. My income is too high
Attendance Allowance is assessed purely on your disability or health condition and your care or supervision needs. It isn’t means-tested so it doesn’t matter what you earn or how much you have in savings.
3. I can get by without it
You have paid into the tax system all your life, now it’s time to get something back. Think about what support or equipment might help you to carry on living independently at home for longer.
4. I do not want a carer coming into my home
You don’t have to spend Attendance Allowance on a carer. Many older people spend it on other types of help in the home, or equipment to help them stay independent longer.
5. I do not have a carer
You don’t need to have a carer or someone looking after you. You qualify based on the help you need, not the help you actually get.
6. The claim form is too long
Ask your local Age UK if they can help you fill it in. Call Age UK Advice for free on 0800 169 65 65 or visit your nearest Age UK.
You can also get support from your local Citizens Advice, find out more here.

Who should apply for Attendance Allowance?
If you experience any of the following, you should consider making a claim.
Washing, bathing and looking after your appearance
You need help:
getting in and out of the bath or shower
adjusting shower controls
putting on skin creams
washing or drying your hair
Going to the toilet
You need help:
adjusting your clothes after using the toilet
using the toilet at night
changing clothes or bedding if you have an accident
Help with medical treatment
You need help:
identifying your tablets
reading and understanding instructions about taking medication
managing a condition such as diabetes
recognising if your condition deteriorates
adjusting your hearing aid
You need:
someone to watch over you in case you have a fall or seizure or pass out
someone to watch over you because you lack awareness of danger or could be a danger to yourself or others
someone to watch over you in case you get confused, forgetful or disorientated
someone to give you medication for angina or asthma attacks
someone to help calm you down during a panic attack
Getting dressed or undressed
You need help:
with fastenings, buttons and shoelaces
recognising when your clothes are on inside out
You need help eating and drinking.
You need help:
understanding or hearing people or being understood by them
answering the phone
dealing with correspondence
Getting around indoors
You need help:
navigating stairs
getting up from a chair
getting in and out of bed
moving safely from room to room
How does Attendance Allowance affect other benefits?
The other benefits you get might increase if you get Attendance Allowance, these include:
- Extra Pension Credit
- Housing Benefit Reduction
- Council Tax Reduction
How do I make a claim?
You will need to complete a long claim form when you apply for Attendance Allowance.
It might seem daunting at first but help is available from your nearest Citizens Advice, so don't let the form put you off applying.
If you'd prefer to do it yourself you can follow the Citizens Advice guide on how to fill in your claim form here.
Full details of how to get the application form by post or over the phone can be found on the GOV.UK website here.
What happens if I am about to reach State Pension age?
If you are thinking about applying for Attendance Allowance when you reach State Pension age, you might be better off claiming Personal Independence Payment (PIP) straight away - you may be able to get more money.
If you claim PIP and get it, the amount you receive will depend on your circumstances and how your disability or illness affects you.
Find out more about claiming PIP here.
Who cannot claim Attendance Allowance?
You won't be able to get Attendance Allowance if you already get PIP or DLA to pay for your care.
If you apply for Attendance Allowance while getting DLA, the DWP will usually reassess your DLA award instead.
You can renew your PIP or DLA when the existing award ends as long as you still meet the eligibility criteria.
If your renewal is unsuccessful you can apply for Attendance Allowance instead.
Find out more about Attendance Allowance on the GOV.UK website here.
To keep up to date with the latest benefits news, join in the conversation on our Money Saving Scotland Facebook page here, or subscribe to our newsletter which goes out three times each week - sign up here.
- Attendance Allowance claim form top tips which could help you get up to £92 every week
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