Eastern Kentucky University was the site of a quiet and peaceful protest late Tuesday afternoon against the Israeli war effort. The rally started in Powell Plaza. One of the participants was Blaze, an EKU freshman.
“I would like for the genocide just to end. It's pretty awful what's happening over there. There's children, refugees that are having to go to different countries with and without parents that are just, it's not something you should ever have to worry about as a child.”
There were no speeches. Many of the attendees made signs and held them. One of the organizers was Cora Weer, an EKU student from Richmond.
“From my perspective, nothing justifies this kind of death and destruction. from either side, it's just not acceptable in our today's world, I would say.”
A few minutes later, an EKU employee told Weer and the others that equipment was being moved in for an evening of entertainment and politely asked if they could move by 5:30. He suggested the Daniel Boone monument up the hill – and that’s where they went, without complaint.
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