After showing the title at MegaCon, Marvel Comics has now revealed the full details of its upcoming Astonishing Iceman ongoing series. Written by Steve Orlando with art from Vincenzo Carratù, Astonishing Iceman will spin out of the events of July's X-Men: Hellfire Gala #1 which kicks off the 'Fall of X' era, in which Krakoa as we've known it for the last several years will undergo big, dangerous changes that spell hard times ahead for mutantkind.
Along with the 'Astonishing' moniker in the title, Marvel is playing up the massive power of Iceman's mutant abilities, putting an emphasis on his status as an Omega-level mutant.

"After the events of this year’s can’t-miss Hellfire Gala, Bobby Drake, aka Iceman, sets his sights on heroic deeds like never before," reads Marvel's description of Astonishing Iceman #1. "But as a new situation develops that links Iceman to his Antarctic ice palace, he’ll have to be slicker than ever to accomplish his mission before ORCHIS knows what hit them! See the Omega-level mutant as you’ve never seen him before in a new saga that'll push Iceman to the limits of his powers…and beyond!"
Writer Steve Orlando, who also currently writes the Scarlet Witch ongoing title, promises that 'Fall of X' will mean big changes - and big challenges - for Iceman, as he engages the anti-mutant group ORCHIS on his own special mission.
"Have I not been saying my next Marvel project was cool as hell?” Orlando quips in Marvel's official announcement. "Astonishing Iceman has been not just a joy, but a challenge, and the best possible kind....because the 'Fall of X' means Iceman's life is more dangerous and harrowing than ever."
"But Bobby is a hero to the core, and there's no danger he's met in whose face he won't laugh," Orlando continues. "When it's more dangerous than ever to be a hero, that's when Iceman's at his most heroic! And with Jesus Saiz and Vincenzo Carratù joining me on this - Iceman's going to look cooler than ever. See what I did there?"
Astonishing Iceman #1 goes on sale August 2 with a cover from Jesús Saiz, seen above.
Iceman is one of the best X-Men members of all time.