Northern Ireland is to have its first assistance dog specially trained for a member of the emergency services who has been seriously injured.
It takes £53,000 and up to 24 months to fully train an assistance dog for Hounds for Heroes whose applicants have suffered trauma.
And Northern Ireland's first special dog will be funded thanks to hard work of pupils from a Co Down school.
On Friday, the Banbridge High pupils hope to boost their funding drive at a display of a special garden created by them for the Garden Ireland Show in Antrim which runs for three days.
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Hounds of Heroes sources and trains pups to become highly trained assistance dogs to injured and disabled men and women in blue light jobs such as the ambulance, fire and police service, and the Armed Forces.

Founder Allen Parton, said: “We have been working from 2011 to help injured personnel get their lives back on track as best they can with the help of very special dogs.
“And while we are based in the south of England, our charitable work is for the whole of the UK. Now we are delighted to say that with the help of some very smart and determined students from Banbridge High School, we will be training a dog specifically for a recipient in Northern Ireland.
“The pupils with their teacher Marilyn Donaghy and the support of the school have been instrumental in making this happen.
“On Friday we will be in Antrim as part of their ongoing efforts to try to raise as much funding as possible to help train a new puppy who will live and work in Northern Ireland.
“The students have really made this happen and I’m delighted to be a part of their team and to have them support Hounds for Heroes.”

Allen, who suffered a severe head injury while in the Navy, lost five years of his life to hospital rehabilitation. He lost physical ability and every memory of his life before his trauma and it was only by chance meeting with a dog called Endal at a day centre his wife was working in, that life changed and healing finally started.
The partnership that formed between Allen and Endal saw Allen make a remarkable recovery and Endal was voted ‘Dog of the Millennium’ and was awarded the PDSA Dickin Medal for bravery.
Allen created Hounds for Heroes so that injured personnel from the military and the blue light services might receive the same help that Endal had given him. And since then he has brought Endal Junior, or EJ, Endal III , or ET and Rookie into his life.
Hounds for Heroes uniquely fully funds the whole life of their Hounds so the provision of an assistance dog does not create a financial burden on the partner at any time making the availability of the help they offer as wide as possible.
Allen said: “We owe these people a great debt and this is our way of saying thank you."
Today Allen runs the charity and enables many families to start again after suffering catastrophe in work and he understands from personal experience just how rough the road can be.
He said: “For five years I was in a dark place, I attempted suicide a number of times, I had no memories of anything before my injury, I couldn’t walk, talk or feel any emotions. But Endal, a beautiful Labrador came along and things improved incredibly and I started to rebuild my life with my family.

“I married my wife again, I got to know my children again, I felt emotions again, I started the fight back mentally and physically with the help of people who loved me but very much because of how Endal reached in and pulled me back to the surface.
“Knowing what sort of miracle he created, when I was well enough, I knew I had to try to help other people and see if other dogs could do the same for people like me with specific injuries and conditions. That’s how Hounds For Heroes started and now we have been adopted by the team at Banbridge High and they’re taking us from strength to strength.

“It takes a lot of time and energy to train very special dogs to this level of work, and it takes a lot of money and that’s exactly what these young people are raising. I understand how much better life is with a specially trained assistance dog, but even I have my occasional down days.
“But it’s knowing that these young people actually care that helps lift me out of it, they are genuine, they are compassionate and hard working and dedicated. And at Hounds for Heroes we will always be grateful for their passion and participation.”
Banbridge High School teacher, Marilyn Donaghy said the pupils have also blossomed during their time helping Hounds for Heroes.
She said: “The work has helped everyone. The students have gone over and beyond what we could have expected of them. They have made incredible plans and arrangements, they have commanded the attention of Stormont, of industry leaders and the public.
“They are raising funds to train Northern Ireland's Hounds for Heroes dog here which is just incredible. We thought it was a good idea to help Allen and his work, but we didn't realise until we got started just how good it was for everyone.
“I have watched students blossom into confident young leaders who are making change for good and it is inspiring to witness.
“Now we will be at the Garden Show from Friday and across the weekend to help raise funds for our trained dog and we are looking forward to seeing everyone and telling them all about Hounds for Heroes and our part in their incredible story.”

Garden Show Ireland will run at Antrim Castle Gardens from Friday April 29 to Sunday May 1 with celebrity gardener Diarmuid Gavin announced as show ambassador.
The 3-day event has consistently attracted almost 30,000 visitors and renowned gardener Diarmuid Gavin will officially open Garden Show Ireland on Friday.
A courtesy shuttle bus will operate from the Enkalon and The Junction between 10.15am and 6.15pm each day.
There will be a plant and produce creche available for visitors who want to store their garden purchases while they browse, and these purchases will be allowed on board the shuttle.
Tickets for Garden Show Ireland cost £10 and can be purchased online at Children under 16 go free.