A shopper using a self-service till had trouble scanning in the barcode for a red cabbage - and when a shop worker came over to help the till decided the veg should be a little over £700. Michael Wright was at a checkout at Asda when a till valued a red cabbage at hundreds of pounds.
Mr Wright said the item's barcode had been crumpled up, and as a result, would not scan properly. But when a helpful Asda worker typed in the barcode's numbers a price of £700.92 came up, reports NottinghamshireLive.
"The Asda employee had to type in the numbers under the barcode which generated the price on the screen as £700.92," Mr Wright said. Mr Wright tried scanning a different red cabbage, and the till said that one would be 74p.
Mr Wright added: "After much toing and froing and giggles from fellow shoppers I had to get another one which would scan at the much more reasonable 74p. It provided a talking point in the store."