The wife of a man murdered outside of a branch of Asda says watching adverts for the supermarket now makes her 'shudder'.
A 15-year-old boy has today been sentenced to life with a minimum term of 14 years detention for murdering shopper Ian Kirwan after a row in a toilet.
The youngster was convicted of the killing following a trial last month, where a jury heard how the 53-year-old was knifed in the heart by the boy – then aged 14 - in a Redditch supermarket toilet.
The man was found critically injured after being knifed in front of horrified shoppers at the Asda store in Worcestershire in March last year, BirminghamLive report.
Three other teenagers, aged between 14 and 16, were handed Youth Rehabilitation Orders after being found guilty of violent disorder, while the oldest of them also admitted possessing a knife.

The teenagers had travelled to Redditch from Birmingham with Snapchat messages revealing the killer boy wanted to purchase drugs, attack a local dealer and rob members of the public.
In a heartbreaking statement read to the court, Mr Kirwan's wife Lyndsey said: "Myself, my friends and family can't face going to Asda and B&Q. Even when an advert comes on the television it makes me shudder.
"The decision made by those on March 8 didn't just take my husband from me, it also took my life, my plans for the future and had an impact on all my choices I make in life. Normally when a person dies they are surrounded by their friends and their family.

"Because of the tragic circumstances of Ian's death he died alone surrounded by strangers who were kind enough to help him. Nobody should have to die like that.
"I would love to have one more hug with Ian. When he left on the evening of March 8 we said 'goodbye and love you'. But I didn't hug him and I can't explain how much I wished I had.
"I feel scared of the future. I can't think about it. Ian was my rock, my soulmate, my husband. I will never recover from his death. Ian didn't deserve to die. He still had so much to live for."
She described feeling panic when going into Redditch town centre and not being able to 'stomach' travelling to Birmingham on the train. Lyndsey paid tribute to her 'wonderful' husband who she described as a 'big kid, full of love, kindness and generosity'.

She said: "Without Ian I feel lost, empty, devastated and a huge sense of disbelief he is no longer here with me. Ian and I were happy, we had just celebrated 20 years of being together.
"Ian and I had so many plans for the future. We longed for a child and had undergone a number of rounds of IVF which were unsuccessful.
"Our plan during 2022 was to look into adopting. That chance has now been taken away from Ian. He will never have the chance to be called 'daddy'. Ian's death has taken years away from him and myself.
"I feel my life is over. I keep being told I have to live for the both of us. I don't know how to when I'm struggling to live without him.

"My mental welfare is low. I am suffering from brain fog and forgetfulness which unfortunately means I am starting to forget memories of Ian. I suffer from panic attacks on a frequent basis. My mood is low."
Lyndsey added: "I feel sick constantly and I'm exhausted both physically and mentally. Getting out of bed in the morning is so difficult. I feel in order to survive I'm forcing myself to keep going each day.
"Nothing really matters anymore. I just want Ian back. There had been times when I couldn't have cared if I died that day Ian did. Ian's family lost a chance to tell him how much they loved him.
"They have had future memories taken away from them. Life for his family is not the same. Things that should be celebrated aren't. There are massive holes left in people's lives.
"Ian's sister is the only remaining member of Ian's immediate family. So the impact of his death has been absolutely devastating for her. Her twin sons were born in 2020. Their uncle Ian will now just be a photograph to them. They are too young to have memories."