The founder of a new community ambulance service says it could ease pressure on Victoria's overburdened health system by treating non-emergency patients in their homes, keeping them out of ambulances and emergency departments.
Paramedic Andrew McDonell co-founded HMS Collective in March this year and says there has been a need for this kind of service for decades.
"In my 32 years with Ambulance Victoria there were many people being taken to hospital who didn't need to go there, but there was nowhere else for them to go," he said.
"By doing preventative health in the home you can stop people going to hospital."
HMS Collective started in the Macedon Ranges and now has patients in Sunbury, Ballarat, Bendigo, and Melbourne's north and west.
The 20 paramedics working for the service are registered and have undergone additional training in areas including counselling, wound management, catheter care, and mental health.
Ambulance Victoria struggles to keep up
Victoria's ambulance service has been under immense strain during the pandemic, with unprecedented calls to triple-0 and ambulance ramping regularly occurring at hospitals.
Last weekend union secretary Danny Hill said the health system was not copying after Ambulance Victoria was on the edge of issuing a Code Red alert – which meant the service had exhausted its ability to meet patients' needs.
Andrew McDonell estimates his community paramedics are already keeping an ambulance in its station for an additional 90 hours per week.
"We are trying to get the government on board to rollout the service across the state," he said.
To be transported by a Victorian Ambulance, metropolitan patients are charged $1,284 while regional patients will pay $1,894 if they do not have a concession or Ambulance Victoria membership.
HMS Collective charges $82-an-hour for a registered paramedic to come to your home, and is currently funded by the NDIS, aged care packages or directly by patients.
Mr McDonell hopes the service can get funding so more patients can freely access it.
Improved community care
Diggers Rest resident Wendy Outridge has needed urgent medical assistance several times since a stroke paralysed her left side in 1977, when she was in her 20s.
The last time she was taken to an emergency department, Ms Outridge and her partner Michael Lowman were left waiting for several hours overnight because staff had to prioritise more critical patients.
"It was very upsetting," Ms Outridge said.
The couple started using HMS Collective in April this year and say it has been a "great help".
"When we have a problem, we just call up the community paramedic and she advises us what we need to do," Mr Lowman said.
"It's taking the pressure of Michael," Ms Outridge said.
Adjunct Associate Professor of Paramedicine at Monash University Bill Lord says there is a place for community paramedics in Australia.
"This is already becoming mainstream in the UK where you've got paramedics working in GP services doing home visits," he said.
"If you can relieve distressing symptoms in the persons home it is cost-effective, it reduces demand on other health services, it reduces demand on [the] health department. There are a whole lot of positive flow-on effects from providing care in the community where appropriate."
Dr Lord says the main impediment to rolling out a statewide or national service is funding.
"Ambulances are funded to provide an emergency service, they are not funded to provide community healthcare," he said.
"The other problem is there are no rebates through private health insurance, and there is no possibility of paramedics getting a Medicare provider number."
The ABC has contacted the Victorian state government for comment.