Arya’s brother, who debuted in Tamil film industry with Amara Kaaviyam in 2014, has tied the knot with his college sweetheart, Bhavana. The ceremony took place in Chennai and the pictures from their wedding day were shared by the official photographer of the event on their Instagram page.
The wedding and reception was attended by Arya’s close friends from the industry including Silambarasan, Shyam, Shanthnu Bhagyaraj, Venkat Prabhu, Sayyeshaa and Dhivyadharshini. The actor had also invited the contestants he met through the reality show, Enge Veetu Mapillai, on Colors TV. Agatha, Seethalakshmi, Shweta and Gomathi took to social media to share pictures with Arya.
Sathya has not appeared in any movies post Amara Kaviyam, however, he is a part of upcoming Ameer’s film also starring Arya.
On the work front, Arya himself has not been seen in a film for long. His last outing Kadamban received mixed response, and he is looking forward to the release of Ghajinikanth.
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