Art lovers are invited to decipher the meanings of the artworks during "Unnecessary Drama", which is running at RCB Photographers' Gallery 2 of River City Bangkok, Charoen Krung 24, until Aug 31.

This is the first solo show by self-taught artist Arm Wantaya who reflects conversations in everyday life through his digested interpretations and opinions, using familiar anatomical parts, especially a hand, in the narrative.
A self-proclaimed "sidekick" in these interactions, the artist plays the role of spectator and chooses to express himself through imagery post-conversation.
While his style is steered predominantly by his elucidation of social interactions, his works also display a sensitivity and understanding seen from his making fun of the topic or people in his own manner.
This more lighthearted take is represented by the cartoon-esque figures in his work, depicting the most mundane anecdotes to the most pressing social and political issues of our time.
Stained in a rich melange of rose pinks, golden yellows and deep cyans, his artworks are true portrayals of the emotion and comprehension witnessed throughout scenarios in both his past and present.
Painting what could be described as a cropped version of events, the artist deliberately excludes facial expressions, explaining that these would only add increased tension and unnecessary drama to his artworks.
Visit or call 02-237-0077/8.