Shoppers who waited in line for the opening of a new shop were left disappointed as the shutters remained down on Monday morning, October 3. Stock Giant in Arnold's Front Street will replace another bargain store, Stock Monster.
The new site was due to open at 9am but staff have suggested it could now open on Wednesday, October 5, although this is yet to be confirmed. The move caused confusion for people who were waiting in line.
Anna Lloyd, 44 said: “I heard it was opening today and thought it was a quick turn around from when Stock Monster closed.
READ NEXT: Sadness as Stock Monster Arnold closes its doors - but new brand on the way
The nurse continued: “Once it opens, I do think people will go in there and have a look. I wasn’t hoping to buy anything specific today, I was just going to have a look.”
Stock Monster confirmed it was closing on September 25 and signs for Stock GIant immediately took its place. Supermarket worker Andrew Ball, of Arnold, was also among the shoppers waiting for the store to open.
Andrew, 58, said: “I was anticipating for it to open, Stock Monster was one of my favourite shops. The staff are very friendly.
“When you go into these stores, you never know what you’re going to get. Once you get used to discount shop prices, other shops seem so expensive, these shops are set for the future.”

Mark Gordon, 65 is retired. The Arnold resident wasn’t aware that Stock Monster had closed.
He said: “Most people are fans of bargain shops, especially in this day and age. I will have a look in when it’s open, I didn’t realise Stock Monster had closed down in all honesty.”
Mark continued: “Even though there’s been a delay it’s nice to see a shop opening on the High Street and not closing.”