An armed robber who waved a claw hammer around in a terrifying raid at a jewellers in Manchester had his plans foiled after being confronted by the shop's brave owners, both aged in their 70s.
But weeks before, in January 2023, Daniel Smith, 38, from Old Trafford, had scoped out another store, Christopher Brown Jewellers in Stockport, for 'security weaknesses' before barging through the door and threatening staff with a weapon.
He propped the security door open with a brick in a bag before pressing a weapon against a terrified member of staff and demanding they handed over a unique, highly-valued necklace before stealing it from the scene.
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A brazen Smith later appeared at Abelson's Jewellers in the St Ann's Arcade, Manchester city centre, in March of 2023, with intentions to steal similar items.
He waved a claw hammer as he tried to snatch an expensive bracelet from the owners, Malcolm Abelson, age 78 and Elise, age 71, but left empty handed by their fearless reactions when they bravely fought back.
CCTV footage of the incident was shared previously with the Manchester Evening News. Following a struggle, Smith left several items at the scene which were recovered by police and an investigation was carried out by the force.
Malcolm Abelson, of Abelson's Jewellers, said: "When you work so hard for something, like building a jewellery business, and run it for decades, you instinctively protect what is yours and what you have made. Elise was not letting go of that bracelet the robber tried to snatch."
As Elise Abelson added: "Smith woke up one morning and planned to steal our goods, he had absolutely no regard for our safety or wellbeing when he came at us with a claw hammer.
"He must have thought we were an easy target because we were old, but for somebody to get out of bed and rob an elderly couple running a jewellers, well let’s just say, my kids would never dream of doing such a thing."
After pleading guilty to three charges of armed robbery, attempted armed robbery and possession of an offensive weapon, Smith was sentenced to four-and-half-years at Minshull Street Crown Court on June 15.

Detective Constable Phillip Sargeant, of Central Manchester CID said: "Had it not been for the quick thinking and brave resistance that Malcolm and Elise put up against Smith, we might never had recovered items.
"These were exhibits that directly and forensically linked Smith to the crime scenes. With the support of Christopher Brown and Abelson Jewellers, police managed to quickly identify and arrest Smith for a string of robberies as a suspect who targeted established family-owned jewellers and exploited their security."
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