Whilst mopping isn't exactly the most glamorous job to do in our homes, it's a pretty straightforward task. Or so we thought.
Knowing how to clean hardwood floors and other hard surfaces isn't rocket science. However, experts at Dyson have revealed there are several bad habits that the UK public has when it comes to mopping our floors.
So, even if you know all the expert cleaning tips, the chances are you're guilty of at least one of these common bad habits. But do not worry. Dyson has shared their foolproof method of getting squeaky clean floors every time.
Bad mopping habits and how to break them
You may think you've mastered how to deep clean your home, but research shared by Dyson shows that a third of British households aren't practising routine hygiene when it comes to cleaning their floors.
Whether it's changing the floorhead or using clean water, these simple parts of mopping sound straightforward. However, half the population aren't following the best practices set out by Dyson.
What mistakes are people making?
In fact, 21.6 million people in the UK admit to using a mop head for six months before changing it for a clean one. You probably didn't even know this was bad cleaning practice. However, studies show that keeping the same mop more than 100 times can actually spread dirt around your floors every time you use it.
In their study, Dyson also found that only 45% of people empty out their dirty bucket water when changing rooms. 41% will keep using the same water until it looks dirty when it was, in fact, unclean water much earlier on in the mopping process. This is certainly not the best way to clean your laminate floors as it will transfer bacteria and grime between the rooms in your home.

When it comes to how often you should mop your floors, Dyson also found that most homeowners aren't doing it as regularly as they should. Apparently over a quarter of those asked admitted to mopping their floors once a fortnight or less and only 41% say they have a cleaning schedule with most deciding to clean only when they see visible dirt.
Dyson's tips for acheiving a proper floor clean
So what can you do to improve these bad cleaning habits? Luckily, Geli Lee, a Dyson engineer and home cleaning expert has shared their tips for achieving a deep hygienic clean.
She says, "Cleaning your hard floors properly and regularly is important for maintaining a healthy environment around your home. Without a proper cleaning routine, dirt may unknowingly build up and spread around your home. It is evident from our research that current mopping habits mean British households aren’t cleaning their floors as effectively as they should."
Although it's recommended to keep up with positive daily habits that will keep your house clean and tidy, maintaining your home's cleanliness is not always that easy. With busy schedules and the winter weather dirtying our feet, it can seem impossible to stay on top of the mess.
To make the process easier and less stressful, Dyson's cleaning expert Geli Lee has provided us with their three-step method.
1. Create a cleaning schedule
One of the best things you can do to make cleaning your home more manageable and stress-free is to create a cleaning schedule. Knowing how often you should clean your house will allow you to stay up to date with it so you're not suddenly becoming overwhelmed.
Geli says, "Create a cleaning schedule to stay on top of dirt build-up. In the last year, there has been a 15% global reduction in the number of people who maintain regular cleaning schedules. 47% of the British public admitted to only being motivated to clean when they spot visible dirt or dust. Regular floor cleaning with a wet hard floor cleaner removes more stubborn dirt than vacuuming alone."
2. Declutter your floors

Before you can start mopping, it's important to make sure your space is completely decluttered. Using one of the best decluttering methods will mean you have more time for mopping and you won't have to do it again as soon.
"It is important to have a debris-free surface, to clear any clutter from the floor or other surfaces," explains Geli.
3. Clean your floors little and often
Breaking bad cleaning habits can be hard, but doing a small bit of mopping more regularly will mean you're not met with a massive clean-up whenever you choose to tackle it.
Geli says washing your floors frequently in areas that receive more footfall with help to stop dirt from building up and getting trodden into your floor. They add, "Using a dedicated wet floor cleaner on hard flooring is helpful for this, as the versatile format means it vacuums and washes the floor simultaneously."
Mop and buckets: Budget and Expensive
RRP: £7.99 | If you're happy with your mop handle then there's no need to buy a whole new one. However, to avoid joining the statistics of those who don't replace their mop heads, these replacements are a great idea. When it's £7.99 for two you really can't go wrong.
RRP: £49.99 | This mop and bucket combination will make life so much easier for you. It has a dual chamber bucket which means dirty and clean water is separated, as well as a pedal feature which will wring out the mop for you. The mophead can also be machine washed meaning you won't be making the mistake of replacing your mop head every 6 months.
RRP: £599.99 | This is one powerful machine, designed to wash your hard floors with only clean water. The tank covers up to 290sqm and can effortlessly glide through your home and under furniture. It has a run time of up to 35 minutes so it's ideal for those quick cleans and daily habits.
Now you know how to clean your home like a professional, why not tackle the garden? Sorting your garden out before the winter weather properly arrives is a great idea and will mean there's less work to do when spring comes around.