This is the truth: 7-foot-4 Boban Marjanovic has ginormous hands.
They make everything from people to basketballs look tiny. And thanks to the Houston Rockets center, that now may include UNO cards.
Why do I say “may”? Well, when Marjanovic posted a photo on Instagram of his enormous hand palming some UNO cards, it made them look like a mini version of the popular game.
We here at For The Win took this very seriously. Is it real?
Our Friday crew in our Slack channel had a back-and-forth, and here’s what our Bryan Kalbrosky came up with: “Boban’s hands are 10.75 inches long and 12 inches wide. Regular UNO cards are 3.5 inches by 2.2 inches.”
“My calculation tells me he should be able to fit 3.07 UNO cards in the length of his hand,” he added.
Boban Marjanovic's hand compared to Uno cards is NUTS 😳
(via boban/IG) pic.twitter.com/T95ocsN0Hm
— Ball Don’t Lie (@Balldontlie) December 15, 2023
So … is it real? Check out Bryan’s image he made:

Hmm. But there’s a winky face emoji at the bottom. Are we all being fooled here?

Also, there are mini UNO cards for sale, which could explain it.
Verdict: We’re not sure we completely believe it. Prove us wrong, Boban!