Is that a sword made out of water? It sure looks like it, as DC releases a first look at the art for the return of Aquaman's upcoming new series. And that's not the only thing that's different about Arthur Curry as the King of the Seven Seas returns in a new series written by Jeremy Adams and illustrated by John Timms. Thanks to the events of Absolute Power, Aquaman will have some brand new powers – and it sounds like he'll need them, with a terrifying new foe on the way...
"In the wake of Absolute Power, Arthur Curry's powers have evolved to powerful new heights, and this is one king ready to use them to kick some serious butt," reads DC's synopsis for the first issue, which publishes in early January. "Mammoth water-construct Kaijus have emerged from each of the seven seas, and only Aquaman's water-warping abilities can stop them – but not if they kill the good king in the process! Enter Dagon, Arthur's guide on the quest to unlock the secrets of the 'blue.' But what deadly secret awaits Arthur on his journey?"
Here's a selection of unlettered preview pages from the first issue.

There have been several characters called Dagon in both DC and Aquaman's history and, as yet, it's unclear if this new guide is one of those, or an original character. Also uncertain is precisely what Aquaman's new powers will be. In real world terms, Dagon is also the name of an early Mesopotamian deity which has also been co-opted into HP Lovecraft's writings.
What we do know is that the series will be colored by Rex Lokus, and that there will be a lot of variant covers to choose from. Here's a complete set of covers for the first issue by: John Timms; Christian Ward; Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessey, and Marcelo Maiolo; Ivan Reis, Salvador Larrocca, and Tula Lotay.

Aquaman #1 is published by DC on January 8, 2025.
He may be a bit of a pop culture punchline, but Aquaman is secretly a total badass.