WASHINGTON—America’s Public Television Stations this week praised President Biden’s recommendation of $595 million in advance funding for public broadcasting in his fiscal year 2025 budget.
If approved it would be a record amount and far surpass the Corporation for Public Broadcasting’s base amount of $535 million, according to Current. The proposal includes $60 million for public broadcasting’s annual station interconnection account, which connects stations for nationwide emergency alerting and enhances cybersecurity. However, it leaves out funds for building out local stations’ advanced warning program.

“We remain hopeful that Congress will include funding of $56 million for the Next Generation Warning System at FEMA in FY 2025,” said APTS. “This funding would support the local public media station infrastructure that the nation depends on to transmit emergency alerts and warnings to every part of the country. Public broadcasting stations reach 99% of the American people, making us an essential part of the national alert and warning system. A CPB study identified at least $300 million in unmet infrastructure needs throughout the public media system – needs which threaten the reliability of our public safety mission. This program is critical to addressing those needs and enhancing the alert and warning capabilities on which our nation depends.”
The proposal also includes $31 million for “Ready To Learn,” a competitive grant program at the Department of Education that supports the creation and distribution of educational media content.
“America’s Public Television Stations appreciate the President’s proposal to increase the federal investment in the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and for his endorsement of public media’s mission as partners in public service,” said Patrick Butler, president and chief executive officer of America’s Public Television Stations. “We are grateful for this recognition of the critical role our local stations play in their communities and the essential services they provide all Americans in public safety, education and civic leadership.”