Plans for 265 houses to be built near Clifton Village are causing anxiety and anger amongst residents, campaigners against the development have said. Proposals have been put forward for the large estate between the village and ancient woodland by Avant Homes.
Outline permission was granted for a new housing development on vacant farmland and private playing fields in 2020. The housebuilder has returned with a second reserved matters application after the first was withdrawn. However, people living in Hawksley Gardens, who have opposed the plans for decades, have expressed worries over the extra traffic using the cul-de-sac to enter the new estate and the potential damage to the nearby ancient woodland and its wildlife.
The site, previously owned by both Nottingham City Council and Nottingham Trent University, has acted as a natural barrier between the built-up conurbation and the ancient woodland for many years but new homes have been on the table since 1997.
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Charles Hunt, who has lived on the estate for 37 years, said people in the village were "incensed" about the continuing plans for the access road. "There has been no offer of a conversation, it's annoyed a lot of residents," said the 71 year old.
"We've had no contact with Avant whatsoever, it's shocking. The access should be off Mill Hill roundabout but they seem absolutely determined to steamroll heavy equipment into a housing estate that has existed for more than 30 years.
"It's causing a lot of anxiety and a lot of anger. We've gone through proper systems all the way along.
"The argument has moved on from opposing the houses, we recognise they are needed. But it's not moved on from the access and danger It's going to cause."
Paul Clayton, 68, who has lived in Hawksley Gardens since it was built in 1986, added: "They're not giving local residents a say whatsoever, we've been totally ignored by them. My main concern is health and safety, with heavy goods vehicles coming through."

In a consultation statement, Avant Homes said the cul-de-sac is "considered sufficient to cater for the additional traffic generated by the development". The housebuilder said Hawksley Gardens had been deemed the most efficient access point and was approved by the city council.
"The outline planning approval was accompanied with a Traffic Assessment which assessed the impact of traffic generated by the development on the local and strategic road network," it said. However, some residents questioned the assessment that the proposed development would generate 141 – 146 vehicular movements during peak hours.
"This is bonkers, they are trying to say there will be 140 cars but there are 265 houses - add that up," said Mr Hunt.
Neil Williams, a 44-year-old HGV driver who has lived in Hawksley Gardens for 12 years, added: "Everyone is still fighting it. No-one's got a problem with building on there, it's the road.
"The only access is Crusader Island and you have to wait ages as it is. My wife has problems getting in and out.
"Why can't they use somewhere else? It just seems a shame."
An Avant Homes spokesperson said: “Our reserved matters application is in accordance with prior recognition by the Planning Inspector that Hawksley Gardens is of sufficient width to accommodate our proposed development. In addition, an independent traffic assessment concluded that the development would only have limited impact on the local highway network.
“We are always mindful of the communities within which we build. We have consulted with both Nottingham City Council and the local community, including a leaflet drop to residents inviting them to make comment. Our reserved matters application is accompanied by a community engagement statement which addresses the representations received from the community.”