Anushka Sharma, Varun Dhawan’s Sui Dhaaga - Made In India trailer will make you laugh, cry, and then laugh again. If you’re active on social media, chances are you’ve stumbled upon the Sui Dhaaga trailer, which released on Monday, spotlighting a small town couple chasing dreams and struggling to find intimacy. The Sui Dhaaga trailer shared by the film’s cast has met with praise, but of course, Twitter took a serious film about finding love and respect through self-reliance, and made it into a meme.
In case you somehow missed it, here the Sui Dhaaga - Made In India trailer:
If you’re now in desperate need of a laugh, memes of the Anushka’s Mamta and Varun’s Mauji are floating around on the internet, making people lol. Prepare to laugh as you see these Sui Dhaaga memes ahead — they might be the dose of laughter that you needed today.
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First Published: Aug 14, 2018 17:55 IST