Far-right publisher Regency has reissued the Dinesh D'Souza election conspiracy book "2,000 Mules" after abruptly recalling it in August.
NPR compared the two versions and reported on Tuesday on the changes the publisher had made to the book.
"Most notably, a passage in the recalled version of the book that accused specific, named nonprofit organizations of involvement in illegal 'ballot trafficking' has been rewritten, softening certain claims and outright removing the names of the groups," NPR reported. "Separately, sections of the book that purported to link election fraud to antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement have also been deleted."
The book is based on the movie by the same name, which was fact-checked by Reuters and The New York Times, among many others.
"And in response to a viewer of the film who wanted to see more evidence, filmmaker and author Dinesh D'Souza said in July that the follow-up book based on 2,000 Mules would name names," NPR reported. "The initial version of the book set to be published in August did just that. D'Souza accused five nonprofit groups of acting as illegal ballot 'stash houses.' Copies of the book had already reached bookstores, when, just before the release date, the publisher Regnery issued a recall, though they did not catch every copy. NPR managed to find the book on the shelf at a Barnes & Noble bookstore."
Regency did not list a reason for recalling the book.
The New Georgia Project, founded by Democratic nominee for governor Stacey Abrams, was one of the organizations listed in the recalled version of the book.
A spokesperson for the organization told NPR, "we're always happy when someone who has been discredited takes our name out of their mouths."
Read the full report.