A hardline sect peddling anti-vaxx and homophobic propaganda have been slammed by fellow Christians.
The Record has told how the Christadelphians group in East Kilbride encouraged followers to boycott Covid vaccines.
The group has also pushed homophobic messages on its Facebook page.
Their online activities led to a complaint to charity watchdogs, with calls for them to be stripped of their charitable status.
Sect leader Andrew Brand hit back at our story with the message: “Mainstream media attacks Christian group for believing in God.”
But his defiance was met with anger from mainstream Christians.
Ken Chalmers replied: “No, the ‘mainstream press’ hasn’t attacked you for believing in God. It has ‘attacked’ you for a presence that is utterly unChristlike.

“The Bible says nothing about vaccines. But the Jesus Christadelphians should believe in expected his followers to care for others – which is ensuring I keep my neighbour safe from a virus I could be carrying.
“Your posts have actually brought Christ’s name into ridicule.”
Andrew Bucknall posted: “Hopefully the Charity Commission will revoke your charity status and the police will take any action they are able to if they consider any of your verbiage to be hate speech.”
David Fenton added: “The more a people throw the Bible in front of themselves to justify their human weaknesses in falling for these crazy theories, the more the word of God is brought into disrepute.”
Peter Davies posted: “What a load of rubbish quoting Revelation incorrectly to suit an anti-vaccination
agenda which is not based on anything Biblical but just personal ideas or preferences.”
The group were reported to the charity regulator OSCR by the UK Secular Society for spreading warped messages on the internet.
One meme on their website implied Covid-19 is a hoax.
It displays pictures of the coronavirus next to the Bible quote: “God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie”.
Another refers to “poison medicine” – referring to a syringe and a bottle of vaccine.
One meme posted on the group’s Facebook page shows a depiction of the destruction of the biblical cities Sodom and Gomorrah with the words “teach kids LGBT history”.
According to some interpretations, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed as punishment for homosexual activity among their inhabitants.
Brand did not get back to us after we approached him at his home.
A National Secular Society spokesperson said: “Some religious charities are promoting ideologies that may actively harm society. Only bodies that genuinely deliver a public benefit should enjoy charitable status.”