It’s safe to say that Anthony Rizzo was not a fan of this ruling from the home plate umpire.
On Monday, the New York Yankees were hosting the Tampa Bay Rays, with the score tied 0-0 in the bottom of the third. During Rizzo’s at bat, the first baseman was plunked in the thigh with an inside slider. As Rizzo was making his way towards first, home plate umpire D.J. Reyburn emphatically called him back to the plate, signaling that the Yankees first baseman didn’t make enough effort to get out of the way of the ball.
It’s a ruling that’s rarely called in baseball, but one that Rizzo seemingly violated on this pitch. And boy, was he furious!
Disagreement after Rizzo gets plunked pic.twitter.com/hxg00m12Xb
— Talkin' Yanks (@TalkinYanks) August 16, 2022
After some heated discussion, Rizzo went back into the batter’s box, with the official ruling calling it a ball that he failed to make an attempt to get away from.
@mlb rule book, page 24 (re: anthony rizzo of the @yankees) pic.twitter.com/144qFPawCa
— Marc Ernay (@MarcErnay) August 16, 2022
Instead of trotting along to first on a hit by pitch, Rizzo eventually struck out during that at bat, causing his frustrations to boil over into the dugout after he returned.
Anthony Rizzo represents the frustrations of the Yankees fan base. pic.twitter.com/xavO7dXc6Q
— Doug Rush (@TheDougRush) August 16, 2022
"What the fuck was I supposed to do?"-Anthony Rizzopic.twitter.com/pxQvsHktih
— 4 Train Savages (@FourSavages) August 16, 2022
With three wins in their last 13 games, it’s no wonder tensions are starting to boil over for the Yankees as their massive lead at the top of the AL East slowly starts to slip away. Here’s how MLB fans reacted to the ruling and Rizzo’s meltdown.
Yankees fans were incredibly heated over the ruling on Anthony Rizzo
Rizzo looks like an angry Italian dad about to yell at his kids pic.twitter.com/5YTiOIGn6a
— Gabe (@PlayoffTanaka_) August 16, 2022
Holy shit. What the hell kind of call is this?? Where the hell is Rizzo supposed to go?? It’s in the batter’s box. MLB umpiring is the absolute worst. The worst.
— Randy Wilkins (@pamsson) August 15, 2022
Idk, I think this is a bad call. The pitch starts behind Rizzo and as a batter you have like half a second to decide what to do. https://t.co/2zGKAh9JTn
— Alex (@JetpackAlex) August 16, 2022
Anthony Rizzo is every @Yankees fan right now https://t.co/g9h2hpUtws
— Tom Barton (@TomBartonSports) August 16, 2022
What is Rizzo supposed to do there??? Absolutely ridiculous!!!!
— John Jastremski (@john_jastremski) August 15, 2022
NCAA vibes, nothing gets me going like a good STAY RIGHT HERE https://t.co/Menrd3CcmG
— Céspedes Family BBQ (@CespedesBBQ) August 16, 2022
And yet, some MLB fans weren't buying what Rizzo was selling
Anthony Rizzo when he sees an inside slider. pic.twitter.com/QbGvg8Jir0
— Taylor Jenkins (@TJenkinsTampa) August 16, 2022
That ump calling Rizzo back for leaning into a hbp has huge stones. Good for him.
— Robert Stock (@RobertStock6) August 16, 2022
What is there to argue about lmao he obviously leaned into it https://t.co/9AFIQxCBgO
— ¹¹ (@deverstroll) August 16, 2022
I wish this happened more often. Not only did Rizzo make no attempt to get out of the way of the ball, but he pretty clearly moved into the path of the pitch. I get why NYY are upset, though – this NEVER gets called. https://t.co/Sdpx3Il3yu
— Mike Wilner (@Wilnerness) August 16, 2022