On the other side of the seven-inch single issued by the Northampton Development Corporation in 1980 containing 60 Miles by Road and Rail (Letters, 12 July) was Energy in Northampton, a catchy pop song recorded by Linda Jardim, who later sang on the Buggles hit Video Killed the Radio Star. The song is about aliens escaping the destruction of their home world, scouring the universe for a new home and finding Northampton.
John Peel played the record on his BBC radio show several times. I recorded it off-air and I still have his reading of the record sleeve notes, which begin: “A love affair with Northampton is a journey into space. Northampton has had many love affairs. After all, it is like a human being, having evolved, matured and developed its character with passing years. Succeeding generations of lovers have established its importance, traditions, employment, social, recreational and cultural amenities and a strong sense of community.”
The record and sleeve notes can be found on YouTube, but not Peel’s line as he faded in the next record: “I like their new bypass, I must say…”
Bob Dowdeswell
Caversham, Reading
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