Another man has died at Gibraltar Falls, ACT Policing say, the second death at the site in less than a week.
At about 5.25pm on Saturday, ACT Policing received a report a 22-year-old man had fallen from Gibraltar Falls and could not be located.
Police from Tuggeranong Station, ACT Ambulance Service paramedics, ACT Fire & Rescue members and the Toll Rescue Helicopter were dispatched to the location.
About 6.05pm the man was located unconscious in the water and was unable to be revived. He was pronounced deceased at the scene.
ACT Policing will prepare a report for the coroner. This is the second death in the area in seven days.
Last Sunday, 19-year-old Thomas Livingstone died at Gibraltar Falls. It's believed he slipped while scrambling across rocks in front of the waterfall.
Gibraltar Falls has since been closed to the public while an investigation into safety precautions at the site is conducted.
It could be permanently closed pending an investigation into safety precautions in place at the popular ACT reserve.
While the ACT government has not ruled out permanent closure of the site, it is understood making it an offence to visit the falls is considered a last resort.
At present, up to 600 people are visiting the area on a single day over the weekends, many arriving by car with the intention to swim and picnic.
Social media has contributed to the popularity of Gibraltar Falls.
Anyone who witnessed Saturday's incident, who has not already spoken to police, is urged to contact ACT Policing on 131 444.